
Worse than own-goal?

Well, Lawson’s value I don’t see getting much better if they hold out and gamble on him turning around his off-court life ... he’s a talented player, but that’s like 3-4 DUIs already, so he’s clearly got some life issues to sort out so that he doesn’t become the Vin Baker of PGs. I wouldn’t have thought as a fan that

If he was checked out after rehab though, that probably doesn’t work. The 1st rounder was a pretty good deal ... Denver was not going to get much more than that from teams that already have their PGs set, pre-or-post rehab.

True! They can be both!

Is this a game or a front for a scientific case study?

That’s gotta be an outlier though. The money-saving part isn’t ... but I was thinking that it’s short-term profit maximization at the expense of too high a chance of the costs of outsourcing screwups. All the while, when corners are cut, down the line, it hurts in the long run more than it would seem.

That’s cool nonetheless ... if you run into anyone who can do the things we can’t, just the same! :D


From one Chris to another, nice!

There seems to be a general story with outsourcing and contracting ... you get what you pay for.

All Square Enix has to do is look at the bustling indie game scene. If they don’t want to trade fire with the Rockstars and Activisions, then invest smaller budgets and do something like some of the big-name film studios do ...

Some of the umbrella isn’t slaggy. The people @ Sploid do fun stuff. Kotaku’s pretty okay. Deadspin retains its punchline snark from the old days. I think that’s the strength of this setup for them ... if something gets low-grade, it doesn’t kill the other ‘brands.’

The one thing I miss right now is sports game coverage. Owen was good with that (can still get that elsewhere). Luke’s been doing some of that here.

No I didn’t!

Hah, I got that ending too!

Or did they get fist-fought by paw-wielding Russian Bears?

There’s a downloadable YouTube extension that cuts out that ad-playing off the YT vids.

I forgot where Stephen Colbert had a controversy on his hands that dealt with sex-based discrimination.

Yes! That too!

There’s gotta be an easy way of programming the games so that they re-draw in 16x9 ... only problem is the side-scrollers and how the enemies are spawned. If the enemies are spawned according to the edge of the actual screen, then no problem, but if they were programmed to spawn at a fixed distance from the