No system ever works for long because people are what they are. Build a utopia, and humanity will ruin it. Instinct for organization and chaos seem to have equal parts in human wiring.
No system ever works for long because people are what they are. Build a utopia, and humanity will ruin it. Instinct for organization and chaos seem to have equal parts in human wiring.
So I'm a complete fool for sitting on a gift token in my Steam bank for a free Civ IV? I'm tempted to work backward, since V's the first of the series I've played. I've heard a lot of love for IV though ... but one of the things I love from V's setup is the flanking and placing of individual units. I heard there's…
People have told me that the purchase of Marvel makes certain that Lucas's property will be treated with as much quality. But I have my doubts. They can screw things up ... one has to look only to their own main works, like John Carter of Mars, and Tron's sequel, to see the potential low-bar on the horizon.
Can we use this to mod a Star Wars 1313 game?
I agree with the latter.
They counted the predator as a kill. But are they going off the predator suffering possible mortal wounds at the hand of Arnie beforehand, or what? Because the predator ignited his self-destruct bomb, so isn't that more the predator's self-termination than Arnie's induced termination?
You know if you compare the Neo-Geo price to the Saturn and the 3DO, it starts looking like a boss value against them.
At its time it was delivering arcade-quality graphics (essentially arcade games @ home). What are the inflated prices of owning one's own arcade cabinet from back in the day, I wonder?
Only one of my friends had a Neo-Geo. And it was awesome.
GTA V's story was the first of its kind that I didn't bother to finish. That's how weak I thought the characters and the plot were. Different strokes for different folks, and all that.
You're welcome!
Everyone has their favorites. That's human nature. The idea that something they use is exceptional beyond the alternatives. Also, that their brand is going to be around forever. 15 years ago, today, 15 years from now, same favoritism.
If you do anything, intentional or otherwise, to anyone's lifeblood, then they will get pretty mad about it. Doesn't matter if it's a torrent site organizing free downloads of copyright-protected music vs. the RIAA, a government law passed on health reform vs. a big private health insurance organization, a tax evader…
I can see the argument either way, but I lean toward the over-exaggeration of lost revenue, too.
I figured they were going to diversify as much as possible. Plus, there's a loooooot of money in selling tech to governments as contractors.
Note to Google execs: When Dick Jones asks you to demonstrate his tech, don't, say, yes.
At least when we're mowed down, we won't be around to see the robots teabagging us.
Why come you have no tattoo?
You could look at it a different way ... the best games seemingly get to the Mac. It's like a filtering effect.