
Geographically, yes, the close proximity is pretty damning. But this is a divide of ideologies and inter-American culture and sensibilities. It's like grouping Michigan and Ohio State fans together, or any other similar strong rivalry, maybe. The closer and more similar two groups are, it seems to be that it morphs

Ha! I really liked Super Mario 2, back in the day. Interesting comparison. I ended up liking FNV too, when I finally got to play it on PC with mods to remove the constant-crashing that plagued its 360 version. Even after the patches, it would crash every hour. Complete void of an inherent console maxim, which is

Don't ever tread into No Mutants Allowed, if you haven't already. With this comment, they'd skin you alive, verbally.

I don't think that was a random choice, however.

The video panel orientation reminds me a bit of Night Trap, in which you orchestrated the defense (or lack thereof) for the cute clueless people in the mansion. Framed appears a bit more complex than that.

Would it make more sense to, instead of cutting off the ad stream to the uploader, forward the 'match' to the supposed copyright holder, for review, pending dispute?

I was wondering whether the context was lost on that vague comment. Does the user mean that Cloverfield sucks, or does the user mean that this film sucks because it looks and feels too much like Cloverfield? Or, both?

Idiocracy, scrot!

Now playing

I think you can mod it on PC so that it removes the GFWL stuff. You'd probably want to mod it anyway if you have an OS that's Win 7 or 8, since it crashes constantly without the modded patch for Large Address Aware.

Game of Death ... those scenes with Kareem and Bruce Lee, and that badass jumpsuit. I'll never forget his final performance. Such excellent work, and so little time he had to do it.

As people who use Steam see further seasonal blowout sales, the tendency after a while is to buy less and less. The scope of the sales hits a large percentage of their available games, and after a while, many people seem to have at least 1-2 of these sales where they buy a bunch of games, and after that the number of

Color me in Luke's extreme shade of desire for someone to mod these next-gen boxes that way, then. Although I think a lot of older gamers would definitely love the limited edition look to it ... they make limited edition looks to boxes all the time, might as well go retro and make a Sega-themed one if they can

The orange dotted line around the analog sticks & d-pad would be similar enough for whomever holds the rights to Atari's intellectual property to make a case, as well as the retro Atari font that they used for their lineup of products, which is clarly visible under the 'PS4' label.

Can Sony acquire the licenses needed to produce Atari-themed gear? Because I'm with you, even a box modder's retro-styling of a console would get me to pay extra just to get that 2600-style box.

There will likely be superfans of the sport who might also be programmers on the side, or as their regular job. If they love it that much, trying to fix it might actually become a multi-year hobby.

What I'd like to see is more competition. I don't like, at all, the cornering of the market for NFL by EA, and likewise by other companies. I feel Madden has been much poorer for it, since they negotiated that NFL deal.

I was able to deal with the first Toxie, but pretty much I'm similar ... I don't really enjoy their films. Unintentional bad film-making, that's another story.

I know that shock well. Saw it in Toxic Avenger. That was one of the few films as a kid that I had to stop the video and just go out and get a grip on my disgusted/creeped out feeling.

yep, you're right. i had both but it's been forever since my original xbox worked.

those are the original fat ones. are they not? I seem to remember the big fatties having the white/black and start/back buttons moved ... that looks like the ogs to me.