
If be surprised if more than one person at Kotaku has put destiny down long enough to actual,g play a great game. Which Rise of the Tomb Raider is.

Did anyone at Kotaku actually play Rise of the Tomb Raider?

Exclusivity is a good business move, bad for gamers, but good for business. I bought it day one, and have played thru it twice. It's tied for my GOTY along with the Witcher 3

Thank you for delivering, this made my week. I'm odd.

Interesting, never watched any e sports, but might give this a watch. More importantly MIKE WHEN WILL THERE BE MORE SNACKTAKU?

Why does every screenshot of fallout 4 look like an original Xbox game? When I know for a fact in motion it looks fantastic.

I grew up Catholic. My whole family is involved in the church in one way or another. So to me, Catholics have always been nothing more than my flawed human family who try their hardest to do what’s right, based on what we believe in from the backbone of faith we all have. And that’s the funny thing, faith. It’s such a

No, he put his best player available to him in the game.

He’s a regular man, but ... smaller.

This was like one of the most challenging fucking games I played as a ten year old.

Dr. Who + Lego = perfection. Go home kotaku you're too cynical.

I feel like I wasted time reading an article that literally should be just said. No comments, will update.

The midfield play is practically non existent in this game.

So this is a nice place holder article to make fun of until you guys post a real article by a real journalist who doesn't think themselves as being witty when their just being a dumbass, right?

This is a step in the right direction but it still doesn’t come anywhere close to using gamers club unlocked for 20% off and getting a $10 certificate for preordering certain games.

This is a step in the right direction but it still doesn’t come anywhere close to using gamers club unlocked for 20%

We talking practice!?

Had no clue about this game, thanks to this article I'm buying it on day one.

I'm playing this game called The Witcher 3. It's massive and full of so many wonderful quests and stories. It's great. You should try it. It flew a bit under the radar.

I get what you're saying but like one of the very first missions in Vice City is driving some one to the Strip Club.

This is all part of his master plan where he eventually reveals his name is actually Charles Jackson and he’s from Canton, Ohio. He just wanted to see how long he could masquerade as a bad German director.