I fully expect in six weeks an article about the weird fascination Japan has with watching her take a dump then view that foot long turd.
I fully expect in six weeks an article about the weird fascination Japan has with watching her take a dump then view that foot long turd.
This is a great article yet it only covers a fraction of why I think the Witcher 3 is one of the greatest games of all time. However, these sort of after the fact articles you guys are doing on the game about how surprised and shocked you are by the game does nothing to disway me from the fact that I don’t think any…
So that's where the lost member of Lonely Island ended up.
If you look at the entire subplot as the lead up to the scene where Fisk is sitting stewing in his soup of murderous mommy rage, then he explodes and ends Ben’s pitiful life. Then yeah, it was totally worth it.
Composition my friend. Composition.
At this point are we sure DC, etc. aren't just fucking with us?
I really respect them for going all that way to take photos of people in costumes but please tell me there are a horde of photos that aren't shown here where the background isn't cropped out or dramatically out of focus ???? I mean they went to bloody Iceland.
Some one cast igni and flame this idjit.
Yeah the game is enormous, but it’s how wonderfully crafted it enormousness is that makes it one of the greatest games ever made. Every single quest has a story to tell and every story leads you to places you could’nt of imagined existing. Just wait til you get told a sob story about rats and being eaten alive. Then…
This game has recaptured the feeling I had as a kid while playing Ocarina of Time. Where almost anything can happen, and I want to explore every nook and cave of this beautiful world. I never thought I'd experience that while playing a game again. I'm so happy I was wrong.
Another thing. The trailer that sold me on this game had the developers standing on top of awesome fucking mountains overlooking epic landscapes as they described a game where I’d roam a beautiful country side populated with bandits, monsters, wraiths, warlords, werewolves, and other nightmares. I’d ride my trusty…
I just read this article after being sucked into the world of the game for like six hours straight. A game hasn’t done that to me in a long time. Mostly I just play FIFA for a half hour a quit after my third ricochet off a goal post. However, this game immersed me immediately and completely. I felt like I was playing…
The Spider-Verse book gives this geek 90’s clone drama ptsd flashbacks.
Clever timing Cossacks.....clever.
Met the man. He’s a pretty easy going guy living the sports fan dream. Worked hard for his money in one of the most hated professions. The funniest thing is, he’s what a true Marlins fan should be, not the fair weather couldn’t care less about a team that isn’t always winning fans that the team has (If that’s a effect…
What's wyts? I googled it and if you're referring to some fox sports radio station? Yeah. No. WQAM. Goldberg, Mandich, and Rogers were my radio gods growing up...whether that was a good or bad thing is a separate discussion.
As a lifelong Dolphins fan. Ma’am may I welcome you to 2015 where the Dolphins haven’t had a Quarterback for close to 15 years. However, we will gladly be custodians of your son as he slowly develops in our awful offensive system and in an act of futility we will then trade your son in three years to the Patriots…
That’s fucked up.