Saturn XV

I searched “below average” and got a nice selfie.

But at least that poor woman at the top will have fewer back issues.

Exactly. When will artists stop expressing themselves and start pandering to certain moral stances? WAKE UP ARTISTS!

Everything looks bigger in zero g

Believe it or not...some woman in real life has massive ridiculous boobs!

It’s a picture of Sean Murray himself


I swear if there is a room with a cake at center of the universe I’m done.

I absolutely agree with the statement that American kids are getting introduced to absurd levels of violence at a much earlier age than I was. I mean, most egregious example is Retro City Rampage, which would NEVER have been made back in the NES days but is now just sort of a cute retro game to most of us.

Having said

Yeah, no doubt Horizon doesn’t look that pretty. On the other hand, you notice more detail when you walk through an environment than when you plow through it in a trophy truck at speed.

I like red Ferraris...that is the only car where red is appropriate.

They buy Kia Optimas and Infinitis now.

I call BS on this I refuse to ever believe that a Cadillac has been for sale in NJ for that long. guidos buying cars any longer!?!

Based on the explosive diarrhea episode I had in Cuba back in 2009, I can confirm that life isn’t a simulation.

Alright, good for you. More ‘straya for me, then

its YUGE

Nerd Alert!

They're called Tauntons! (has lunch money stolen)

It's made from the camels from Empire Strikes Back.