Saturn Jones

You know we all mocked Marvel for their excuses about it being complicated to do Black Panther in the same breath they announce a sequel to Thor which involved elves, Asgard and various fantasy realms. And honestly they deserved being so clueless as to literally say those things side-by-side. But in moments like

Inhumans looks like Sharknado quality, without the purposeful campiness.

I’m with you. It was a twist just for the sake of being a twist, which is only there to fake out people who know the source material. This wasn’t as bad as Robin John Blake, because that one was a lot less subtle with how much that was supposed to feel like a reveal. But I still think the comparison is appropriate.

The uber rich, police commissioners, journalists...this shit sounds like a party at Wayne Manor. How come the Joker never crashes these types of events IRL?

Counterpoint: this looks great and you’re wrong.

I totally agree with you on this. Dwayne Johnson and cast have come out numerous times saying this is not a remake it is a new take on the old classic. I love when actors are tasked with playing another character thru the lens of them self ie movies where ppl switch bodies/minds, especially if they are of a different

Counterpoint: this looks great and you’re wrong.

Those rumors of ABC wanting to punt this off to Netflix are starting to sound believable. This looks like it may be a rough ride.

So why is Optimus Prime all roided up this time around?

Star Trek away teams always had the best armor. Plot armor - better than a 50% chance of surviving everything imaginable.

Sigh, despite my best efforts I’m kind of getting excited. My expectations aren’t sky high or anything, but I enjoyed the trailer, and unlike a lot of people (and don’t get me wrong, I understand why people are like this, zero disrespect) I don’t really care about timelines and whether it all fits together nicely

This page feels more fitting than ever now.

NOPE. Stop right there, Fox. This is neither needed nor wanted from the likes of you.

If that list of shows is supposed to make this seem more appealing then I’m afraid it isn’t working.

Captain Benjamin Sisko, possibly the best Sci-Fi father:

Makes sense. The industry is in a slump, and that slump was made worse by Marvel doubling down on the only shit that they could get to sell in adequate numbers (events).

I’m all for supporting black products/businesses but I’m not supporting them JUST because they’re black. You have to good, too, correct or nah?

Man, thats gonna be one gorgeous looking boring ass game.