
Ignorant apple meet tree not far from where you fall.

Dealerships are owned and operated by the lowest forms of life on the planet. Those that defend and support these grossly un-American blights on fairness and innovation should be deeply ashamed of themselves.

Fiction. Jalopnik is not helping - ie they are in fact harming - by continuing to take for granted that car dealers are also loan dealers. By referring to all car dealers as banks who sell loans and who fill their lobbies with cars, gap insurance and ceramic paint protection instead of deposit slips and lolliepops

“a la the documentary “Die Hard.”

In-progression workers: The union wants to shorten the timeline for workers hired after 2007 to make a wage closer to those hired before 2007.

I also I get where you are coming from and they ARE different vehicles.   Why not throw in 1998 Chevrolet Suburban while you’re at it?

They’re getting back on track, ever so slowly but my Lincoln is two hundred and EIGHTEEN inches and it has only TWO doors. I did just enter a reminder to see what’s what in 2022.

Dumb? How long does the typical starter last? 20 years and 200,000 miles?

It is truly a feat of engineering that the motor can be nestled down in the “V” of the engine, constantly subjected to immense heat, and still manage to work flawlessly for over 20 years.

“It was like the little shit had rehearsed this.”

Legitimate stunt. Bravo.

The only thing Dale’s car and that car share is the outline of - not even the actual - grill and taillights.

Setting: 10:00 am, Tuesday. Nondescript office in some nondescript office park somewhere in Springfield, USA.

Holy crap.

Destroy what, exactly?

Eighty, I’m going to guess eighty HP on 87 fuel.

That look’s awesome.