
I feel like this is going to get taken down soon. I feel it in the force (Disney)

Usually, the worst you can expect a Call of Duty opponent to do is to be a little salty after losing a match—maybe they'll curse a little, maybe they'll rate you badly on Xbox Live or something. But calling a SWAT team on you? Dang, bro.

I want to read a story about a guy who traces someone's IP and sends them a pizza for being so helpful online. Now that would be awesome.

Whether you’re a developer or a writer, a good text editor is a must-have on any computer, in any operating system.

On average men have 6 1/2 minutes of sex. Most couples have less than 12 minutes. However, if we're being really specific, the majority of men ejaculate in about two minutes. This makes a lot of sense on an evolutionary level. In fact, quick ejaculation is wired into the very genome of the male and is considered an

Apparently, some idiots do it.

Damn, I've been doing it wrong all these years.

Nobody writes code with a pencil

So, Monster, a company that screws people over by selling overpriced cables, got screwed over by Dr. Dre, et. all, on the overpriced headphones they screw people over on? Sounds about right.