
Dude they are NASA engineers, i'm sure you'd didn't just out think them at their own game, unless you want to show me your doctorate.

The answer is obvious when you realize you get a under 1000 pound racecar for less than $50,000. And easily customize it as you like. I present the simple and light, Lotus Eleven replica, the Westfield XI. The best car in Fourza can be owned in real life.

Say, about $550, $700 if you count my monitor. I'm not a gamer so thats saved me the couple thousand that gamers like to drop. Still plently fast(other than the hard drivee, NEED to get SSD. Pretty much bought everthing, refurbished, open box, or on deep black friday discount.

Holy shit, I had completely forgot about that game. It was fucking great. Ahh, that would be sick.

Exactly what I was coming here to say. Love fried rice. And ridiculously cheap.

I don't even know where to start, i'd really have to type up a whole papers worth of information to try to break up these myths individually. I'll just shortly address your points, hopefully you can do some researching from there.

Maybe google the chemical, it'll probably come up as some vitamin or another. Let's avoid myths and not get worked up over dihydrogen monoxide.

Lol what?

I think the obvious answer would be all of them. The more open racetracks thevbetter of the world is

But you can love cars just as well as you can love dogs.

Are you serious? Hes had it for 20 years, can you imagine having a dog for 20, having gone on more adventures with it than possible to remember and it dying and someone just saying "just go the pound, those dogs are cheap junk anyways, probably find one for free".

My friends civic... I know he is coming from a mile away, even while we are waiting for him to start band practice and the half stacks are roaring and the drummers beating on his set like a caveman, you can still hear that distinct roar.

Dude just pick it up and start playing, obviously not going to jump in an orchestra immediately but you can practice until your sure enough of yourself to try.

Brake? But that would release deadly toxins from the tires that would be bad for the lizard that he swerved to the center of the road to avoid killing...

Oh, indeed. I bet you could just couch surf around the country, Jalops everywhere happy to take you in for the night and feed you just to have a look at the car.

I wont, but I'm seventeen and listen to my music differently than most. There are no good jazz stations around here anyway and classical KUSC live streams anyways. I'd much rather pick an album to play from my phone. Higher quality as well.

On the real.

I guess im just a badass or something but, why would you touch your dick when pissing? I just pull my boxers down under my ballsack and a that leaves me with a precalculated stance and distance from a urinal. No need for my hands to touch any skin. Unless they need a good scratching i guess.

Right about being edible when well done. And holy shit life would be fucking perfect if that was legit. Holy fuck. I'm hungry.

Your sentence seems a bit broken...