Oh my god, i read that comment in the middle of the video right before i was about to switch. Now i cant turn it off, changing their words is fun.
Oh my god, i read that comment in the middle of the video right before i was about to switch. Now i cant turn it off, changing their words is fun.
I think you should have gotten one of for being in the most Thursdays in a row.
I read moth as north for some strange reason, needless to say, the title made no sense, cant believe i didn't catch it even after reading 3-4 times.
Thanks for making me chuckle.
So would we call the people who use the network soc's(Soshes?), would people who hang on to myspace be greasers?
It'd probably give damn good shots of him eating crap, or about to eat crap depending on how fast his reflexes and the camera are.
Im running Win 8 dev preview right now and have been for a month at least, honestly it isn't missing anything, so the one month theyve had dev preview out plus 7 months should be more than enough, it should beta by febuary.
Both ARM and x86 will be able to run full UI and Metro(mobile), the only limiting factor is screen resolution.
As long as its high enough resolution(which it probably will be) it will run win 7 and below programs great.
Oh sure i never said i used drugs in my comment, though i do but only marijuana and usually only on weekends to just relax, listen to music, and relax. Although music has become my drug of choice as of late, just focusing on it and analyzing it helps me get through every day, it allows me to escape from people in…
Great comment on the CNN article.
No Words.
Ya, i agree, i usually take everything i read with a grain of salt and look at as many sources as possible if i really want to believe something.
Ha facts facebook ha... facebook, facts?
Coincidence that this is the first dubstep song i enjoyed?
Alright sounds good, and i'd be glad to help anytime.
They just could never create a wheel or fire to get there creative minds flowing, otherwise half of us would be married to octopie(not sure its spelled but i don't care, pie is delicious).
Unamped i would say none of those, they all are pretty power-hungry, the ultrasone the least power hungry of the bunch but they don't have the punch that you want. I would go with the Shure 840 [www.amazon.com] nice big bass and it doesn't take away from the mids treb or quality.
Ha ya,
I'm not an iFan but a WP7 fan(7fan?), and I've spent a lot of time with many different androids(was a fanboy at one time), all of them were laggy, any rom any processor, whatever, they just weren't smooth and would get significantly worse overtime.