What are the apps called? I have no clue what they do but im interested.
What are the apps called? I have no clue what they do but im interested.
I've always(as of 2 minutes) thought Pluto's demotion to show what science is all about, i'll probably use it as an argument to my dad's "All scientists care about is trying to prove god false" bullshit.
You would think in that price range they'd be electrostat, but the only headphone to get close to to the 10,000 mark and an at least slightly sane Amp>Headphone ratio would be the Orpheus or SR-009, which couldn't be powered by this. Looks like they are more made for speakers.
Ehh glassesless 3d alongside kinect like sensors would do it. Check this out if you haven't seen it.
Unrelated but wow i remember fusion, completely forgot about it until now.
So when are they coming out with this version? I'm not sure but a 8" might fit and I've heard good things come out of a 8" downfiring sub, and im sure they can fit a midrange and tweeter in there somewhere. Might bring back the floorstanding speaker.
I don't know why, its not going to help you with the only thing computers or the internet are good for...
Nice shop.
Not a tl;dr person but, we are really just going in circles here. I will just agree to disagree here, but if you could answer my question regarding the 2 hours before bed scenario directly, i would find it interesting what your response is, and if you could provide a link to studies or articles of any kind biased or…
"Was trying to be subtle... about my small dick."
#trollpatrol on xd.balls, seriously look at his posts, why is this guy starred?
I think the wasp gets infected when the parasite puts European papers into its abdomen...
I honestly can't believe you are comparing smoking weed with murder... Seriously? Smoking is a victimless crime where murder is obviously not. The point of the study wasn't to find that weed makes you schizophrenic, but to induce schizophrenia in mice via a drug that is similar to THC and it gives the schizophrenia…
Ehh maybe it was doing a little bit of both.
I'm not an expert, but i'm pretty sure that isn't water boiling just separating into hydrogen and oxygen, that's what the bubbles are. Also that antenna could get a lot better with a few mods.
If they do release a T.V. it will probably be 4K, if it is then i'm all for it. T.V's haven't been upgraded in forever, and 3D is NOT an upgrade.
Indeed you have.
Not superconductors but permanent magnets.
Haha ya but i'm going to a head-fi meet on Sunday with 2 Stax SR009, an Orpheus rig, HD800, LCD-2 and many others. So ill probably only get to enjoy them for 4 days before my ears are De-virginized.
So uhh i'm guessing i should call the police, could you tell me where you live so it will be easier for them to arrest you?