“You don’t hit somebody that’s pregnant.”
“You don’t hit somebody that’s pregnant.”
The reason, he had to misspell it, is because I HAD IT FIRST! Seriously?.. a misspelled me-too SEDAN gets credit, and my WAGON with the correctly spelled JALOPNK plate doesn’t? Is it because I don’t have a manual? Because if this what they mean by white privilege, then this is BS! That’s it, I’m changing my plate to…
This explains why when I brought my Eclipse in to Discount Tire last week with a flat, they shot it. Thanks, Torch!
Hey guys, we found the asshole of the day.
Later, at a bar:
And blinker fluid
This, of course, is the top notch investigating that I come here for! Well done as always, sir, well done!
I can walk outside right now and see at least 3 cars with bald tires on them.
I’ve got bluetooth in my ‘85 RX7 GSL with the factory equalizer. The workshop manual describes the bus system that goes between tuner, tape deck, and eq. I used that information to create a serial DIN patch cable that contains a 1/8" jack connector, and from there I hooked up a cheap bluetooth car module. Now I can…
Next that guy was enquiring about the Dana LSD
That lobbyist is not a lazy piece of shit. It takes a lot of wining and dining corrupt politicans to get shady legislation passed. Campaign funds are not going to deposit themselves into local politican reelections’ bank accounts. This piece of shit lobbyist should be recognized for the tireless work he performs…
If you take money to act against the public interest, I believe you are subject to the backlash from the public.
They ARE self serving pieces of shit. They used their campaign contributions as bribes to cajole to the highest bidders - in this case the Ford, GM, and Chrysler. They have shown what they are, and deserve all of the hate mail that they’re getting. Every one of them should be escorted OUT of their offices in…
Coming soon: the Chrysler Town and Cuntry
Of course the husband found it.
They told him to land on Runway 28A, but the pilot thought they told him to land on “28, eh.”
80 lbs of cookie crumbs! What kind of cookies are you feeding your kids? :D
Lowriders very seldom get mentioned in these pages, compared to performance or off-road vehicles, but it is a beautiful car culture that produces legitimate works of art. I defy anyone to say they put more work into their car than the owners of “El Rey” did.