good luck getting the red states to agree to that.
good luck getting the red states to agree to that.
Ding ding.
It is for sure. Time to burn it down and start over.
Looks like the republican’s war on women is working perfectly.
I haven’t grabbed any of the free games they’ve offered. Despite all the Epic bootlickers saying “iTs JuSt AnOtHeR lAuNcHeR”.
The rich people in the US basically want a slave labor force.
Oh that’s a good one. Take my star
Exactly. The number of people who stayed home because Bernie wasn’t the candidate should be proud of the cluster fuck we’re in.
Good point. He might not have been raised in the mansion though.
Of course he fucking did.
Pokemon cards. What a waste...
Insert Shrek meme with Lord Farquaad saying “some of you may die, but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make” here
The cruelty and keeping women down is the point.
such a great country. Rape survivors still have be traumatized by their rapist.
Hey I have this amazing device that will erase that from your memory!!
I’d probably say “don’t you have a high school you need to find a date in”?
Another DINO.