Sassy After Death

She plays a character in Cyberpunk 2077 and that’s mainly how I know of her. I’d heard her name before but until I got that game, I had no clue what else she did.

This is why I say that liberals and queer people and minorities are hostages in red states. The state government doesn’t bother listening because they know they have no policies whatsoever. So they gerrymander and suppress votes so they can hate on people and keep their rabid shrinking base happy.

and she still had sex with him. Me thinks they were made for each other.

The funny thing is once that fetuses ae born,  the anti abortion group doesn’t see the baby as a person anymore. 

If republicans run into issues with democracy, they will get rid of democracy instead of trying to do better.

Take my star and

Shocked. I’m so shocked. You just can’t believe how shocked I am at this.

That sucks about him. I liked him in Person of Interest and then to find out he’s a Qnut? Ugh

Damn just another reason not to fly if I  can avoid it.

They didn’t in in Tennessee. The state DA asked for medical records for trans people from Vanderbilt and Vanderbilt didn’t even fight it. Just handed over the records.

So he’s not a trans drag queen?

Maybe Mother told him to man up and testify.

Well thank God it’s not climate change driving up the temperatures!! It’s just a cycle that is natural and has nothing to do with mankind dumping all sorts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere!!

At this point, society should be burned to the ground and something new put into it’s place. Except this time, we leave religion out of running things. The religious folks can do whatever they want, they just can’t write any laws.

The fact that he can still run for president shows just how worthless our system is.

One of the good things in the last few years.

Good for Cardi B.

My account got banned and I don’t miss it at all.

They won’t mind until they have complete control. Then she will be stuck in the home, barefoot and pregnant wondering how she lost all of the power she had. All she did was do what the republicans told her to do, it shouldn’t have affected her. 

Looks like it uses the same animation style as the recent Micky Mouse cartoons. Makes me wish I had a Switch.