It’s all about controlling women, nothing more.
It’s all about controlling women, nothing more.
just another reason of many that insurance companies should not making medical decisions.
Wake me if something is done about the corrupt Supremes.
that’s me! I live in an apartment complex that has no chargers for an EV. While there are apps and such for chargers, I don’t want to install 4 apps and find out that the chargers don’t work, won’t accept my payment info or have been sabotaged by a some rolling coal douche bag. I’ll do a PHEV until the charging…
that’s why I want a plug in hybrid if possible. I don’t expect the EV charging infrastructure to be decent in this country any time soon.
The Florida shooter got off because of SYG. You know he’s bragging to his friends how he killed a liberal and made America better.
He’d rather the children die in the mines or factories or poor houses as “God” intended!
I’m ready to save as many people as I can from the republicans and also take out as many fascists as I can.
The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.
while on fire
He was only put in place for one thing. To use the law to hurt anyone that the republicans or “Christians” hate. That’s it and nothing else. It doesn’t matter what he does outside of that.
Well if the child’s body is riddled with holes from an AR-15, that’s fine.
Only white babies for adoption. You have to remember the overlap between Not Sees and “pRo-LiFe” people is a circle.
And he could invite his rich friends and have Amazon slaves um I mean workers there.
as long as you remember that “pro-life” ends the moment the child is born, it makes sense.
Then Disney should shut down completely for a few months. Once Florida has taken enough of a financial hit, then maybe..MAYBE..the people in the state will actually do something about DeathSanties.
“I’m not insecure! If my looks make teenage girls insecure so they buy my products, I’m fine with that!!”
He’s white so he’ll get off.
Beta cucks?