This was meant for nimabu but Jez tech saw otherwise.
This was meant for nimabu but Jez tech saw otherwise.
Coke it is!
Anybody else getting a Dennis Hopper vibe?
@Taegre: I love the show. I really dig Kalinda!
@missbananafish: Sin of Innocence. It was the movie he had done when we met.
@alexandrahamilton: All he had done at the time was a tv movie and some tv guest stuff. My suitemate knew him from Virginia. They had gone to high-school and done city theater together. He was a really nice guy and totally included me in their activities that day. When I saw him a year later in Young Guns, I got all…
@LouisiAnna: I hung out for a day with Dermot Mulroney in 1987. He was friends with my suitemate and he came to visit and hang out. He was very sweet and really nerdy. But he had an awesome deep, twangy voice. Which he still has.
@bookling: I have no freakin' idea what is wrong. But this made me laugh really loud.
@mandabear: Dream...
@pissiechrissie: Nah. He's just happy to see
@hausfrau76: I'm so sorry. My family had a cat that lived to 22 years old. I know how hard it is to let go. I'm sending you good thoughts!
@scribble: You wanna know what I did for my 30th b-day, by request? Went to see Tom Jones in concert. Because he rocks!
@hedonisticme: Damn. Mine is now long, straight and no bangs.
@EdnasEdibles: That's awful. Has it recovered?
@token_liberal: Yeah, the 80's were so rockin'! Glad you understand.
@Arachnophile: I worked so hard on those bangs. And used tons of Aqua-Net.
@nolagringa001: No problem.
@MiloMinderbender (will sell you shares of the syndicate.): Sweet! Obviously, I should have stopped with the bangs...
@pissiechrissie: Night matches tomorrow are Isner/Youzhny and Stouser/Dementieva. Those are perfect for watching with a beer or two. :)