
So a bunch of rich male actors got treated like Women do everyday and I am supposed to be outraged for them? Yeah, not so much Dudes.

Friend, take a seat next to the McGowan crazies. Can the self designated culture resetters kindly engage in a bit of consistency? The self appointed victimhood is getting very tiresome.

I just wake n baked and swore this was about Rupaul.

I’m just gonna leave this here:

Why do we assume this woman is not capable of making her own decisions despite his guidance? We’re taking his word for the experience of the Woman is not speaking here...strange.

There’s something about this letter that comes across to me as being written by Brandy Jensen herself. Hear me out. The spelling and grammar is too on point to be the work of a man, and the voice and tone of the letter is just too similar to Brandy’s voice. It is glaring to me and I can’t ignore it. I call bullshit on

I am in the exact same situation. I have essentially divorced my entire family. Every one of my family members is quietly rooting him on. They dont post about anything political on social media and for you naysayers who think @poetjunkie is wrong about the small size of this tribe, I would argue apolitical whites are

Hundreds of thousands of New York liberals flee the city, buying property in the very place they seek to destroy! Makes perfect sense really.

Actually. She is dead broke. Thats what happens when you throw shit at every known human being. You get sued and pay lots and lots and lots of lawyer fees. It is also expensive doing cocaine. I wonder if she donates any residuals from the hollywood machine she despises to all goes to lawyers..cuz thats

I love her convenient relationship with Rain, don’t you? Never bought it and never will.

She is not a terf. You are however, atrocious

Sad to say, but I no longer believe her 100% about being raped. I think she has a mental illness and it may be entirely possible she was one of the very few consensual sex partners the monster ever had. And why did she knowingly work with a convicted pedo like Viktor Salva in 2013? Even I knew about him and I dont

McGowan, who knowingly worked with convicted child fucker Viktor Salva, as recently as 2013 in Rosewood Lane, can take a motherfucking seat. I am perfectly fine with fair criticism, not bullyism. She has burned up all the good will I have had for her and to be honest, god strike me dead for saying this aloud: her

I don’t think all these men are mad. I think some of them just realized sexual objectification of black women, is like, omg...a real thing.

Lets focus on half of the American population, not .6% of it.

Hey Esther...which democratic governors are you deeming failures? Which democratic governor is proliferating falsehoods and misguidance? CITE YOUR EXAMPLES. This is too important to be such a profoundly lazy journalist. Stop feeding the GOP machine you irresponsible hack artist

Capitalists apparently don’t understand the democratic principles of a free and open market which includes freedom of speech for ALL and the right to assemble as consumers. Fuck this man and his ilk. Ilk is actually too elevated a word for this subhuman.

I find it very strange alleged capitalists have such a difficult time appreciating free market expressions and the right of consumers to assemble and make their opinions to businesses and individuals, known. Your freedom of speech has not been violated because people find it offensive and don’t want to do business

I am Latino.

A sad reminder that society devalues boys more than girls...the abuse of girls and women has been a growing narrative in media the past thirty years...the exploitation of boys has been widdled down to a narrow conversation about the catholic church. We don’t give a shit if a boy gets raped or traffiked or if they kill