
Again, typical usage belies your claim. While it's doubtless mostly used as a slight, it's pretty clearly a slight against an extremely, excessively dark tone, not a slight against a failed bid for depth of seriousness. For example, Heaven is for Real and its ilk are never really accused of being grimdark, yet they

At least on my Hulu, there's a button to remove things from your list of shows watched.

It's not about when I knew what it was. It's about how I'm not such a sheltered crybaby that Superman wearing a slightly darker shade of blue sends me into existential despair.

It's been a while, but wasn't there a leaked script of the Gilliam version and wasn't it a travesty?

I disagree. When people call someone "edgy," the basic criticism is that the person is trying to be edgy, but is not actually edgy. Conversely, "grimdark" isn't and has never really be a complaint that something isn't actually or adequately dark. Rather, it's a complaint that something is excessively, even absurdly,

Hey man, I was gonna buy a six four to put a plaintive Eazy E memorial bumper sticker on in another thread.

It's pretty clearly not her manner of speech or prose style. While I honestly wouldn't be terribly surprised if the sentiment were hers, since she said basically the same thing about other genocides, I'd never for a moment think that was an actual quote.

I don't think Winston being a cop works for me. I don't have anything concrete against the idea, but I've definitely noticed the degree to which Winston being a cop factors into a storyline is inversely proportional to how much I like the storyline. It was especially clear this week, when the B plot went south

I wasn't sure, so I figured better safe than sorry.

Anyone wanna help me make a kickstarter to send every dipshit who calls Snyder superhero movies "grimdark" a copy of A Serbian Film?

I kept the Czar's son alive with my peasant magic. What I can do to dweebs who disrespect Alicia Keys doesn't bear thinking about.

Who would both agree to do it and manage to be hired by a major studio? I don't think I'll lose sleep over that "might've been."

>Cumberbatch is Doctor Strange

Also, he's explicitly stated that he mostly chose to direct Watchmen because the movie was happening with or without him and he could ensure basically as little as possible was changed if he was involved.

While I don't know the story, that kind of sounds like the opposite of jerky/gloaty.

Plus, Jared Leto is a goddamned hurricane of charisma and no amount of questionable costuming choices can stop him.

Do you know the street value of this mountain?

I think I wouldn't mind so much if it were just some whiners on reddit, or a cracked article, or your friend who thinks copying critical perspectives from cracked articles makes them sound both informed and witty, since those things are all pretty normal for all movies. It's just weird, with Man of Steel in

Why are people so shitty at hating Man of Steel? For a movie with very real flaws, the critical discussion about it is dominated by disingenuously uncharitable misreadings and even outright inventions.

Yeah. I mentioned the "That sumbitch Reagan" quote elsewhere, but it definitely couldn't hurt to reiterate or expand on, especially as one of the more overt political statements by an intentionally sympathetic character.