
Hasn’t that always been one of the prerequisites for attaining “Whiteness” in America?

You’d think, right? I think there’s at least two issues going on here - 1. she’s not so self aware. I haven’t heard her speak out against body shaming but then again, I don’t really read much about her.

This is one of the reasons America is so attractive for immigrants, picking up the cultural narratives are very simple. Any Euro-trash can come here and immediately elevate themselves above the negroes without even having to make an effort. They move on up by just moving a few thousand miles.

The audacious part was her Sarah plain and tall ass calling Serena thick as if that’s a bad thing. That’s the lens of self-congratulatory whiteness. I double dog dare anyone to attempt to describe Serena without noting her body is the truth. I consider myself straight as a pin and my hubby and I both look at her like,

Taylor’s childhood besties are winning in that picture. I, too, want to go on fabulous vacations (probably at least partially paid for by Tay) just because I managed to put up with her particular strain of bs in high school. token???

Sharapova knows the only way she’s going to sell any books is by trying to make Black women mad and have Serena haters co-signing her nonsense.

She means “strong enough to whip that ass over and over again” when she says “thick.”