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The Honest Trailer for Inside Out, killed it

Dr Foster went to Gloucester,

“But Colony, the decades-old channel’s upcoming series, could continue down a twisted genre path with another promising-looking series: Colony.”

Id take more 4400 over more Heroes, any day.

We can ship them out on planes, great planes, huge planes, I have lots of planes and I know what to get. The plane guys, they respect me. I can work with them. Right now, we don’t have that.

You forgot her pathological inability to lock her door.

I LOVE Dorothy Day. I wrote a paper on her in high school. I went to a Catholic all-girls school and it was the nuns who first taught me to be a feminist. I appreciate that Day actually walked-the-walk, so to speak. Yes, she was anti-abortion, but only after she’d had an abortion. Yes, she spoke out against the Free

Thank you for this article!

After over a year of hard work, my comic books are now available on Comixology! I’m on the same shelf as the big boys, DC and Marvel!

Movie Trailers? Certainly.

This one’s big in visuals, but I know how much people hate video lists, so here you go:

I know I’m in the minority on this, but I didn’t care for Helena in the first season of Orphan Black. Then we got the singing, camping, shadow puppets, trucker hat boyfriend episode and I was fully on Team Helena.


Yeah, exactly. I’m bored as shit with this doubling down on anything anyone says anywhere. Being aware and conscious does not mean nit fucking picking every single thing that comes out of anyone’s mouth.

Mankind is only mostly patriarchal, and even then it's way less black and white than you make it out to be. You are right that a lot of our current patriarchy stems from our biology: The long development cycle that's required to nurture our higher brain functions, the large size of our heads relative to the rest of