
It looks like Mother Bear looks both ways before picking up her cub. She's obviously lived near the road for awhile. Amazing rescue. I wonder how the baby got up over the barrier to begin with?

Penacook, New Hampshire currently. Long winters, but gorgeous springs and autumns.

That was cool - actually tells me that it's so much more complicated than I initially thought.

They'd have to make sure that the camera shot from the same exact point every time, even when it's moving (along the same trajectory, so to speak), so then all the shots can be lined up seamlessly when editing them together. The sheer amount of work that must go into each episode is staggering.

Yeah, his signature knife-cut.

Perhaps it's the go-to torture place for Dyad operatives.

It's possible that she acquired a license to do this.

Perhaps Daniel had done the same thing to her at some point.

I read somewhere (sorry can't find the link) that they film with Tatiana in one role and her body double in the other, then they switch, then they film the space by itself, and then they edit it all together.

Torture without leaving easily seen scars.

I really felt for those little purple guys.

Mischievous parents?

I don't know the comics at all, but Edward Nygma strikes me as clever.

I didn't know this, so thank you!

A truly terrible title.

Regenesis was a show that I enjoyed very much, so every time I see Peter Outerbridge, I'm thrilled.

Someone (I forget who) once said, "Writing is all about choices." The more I write, the more I realize that. I have no idea if the choices I'm making are right, and like you, I second guess them all the time. I'm writing a story now that in the fourth draft I'm changing POV from 1st to 3rd and back again, because I

That seems to be my motto these days. Sometimes I feel the more work I do on a story, I see even more work that needs to be done and the finish line pulls away from me, word by word, line by line.

That surprises me. I thought she had a transformation when she went from giving up to fighting with all she had to make it back to earth.

Great movie.