
As another commenter wrote: Hemingway. "Farewell to Arms" is a perfect example of this.

Then rewrite. I won't tell you how long this step lasts, or how many times it repeats, because it's different for everyone, and the answer is always terrifying.

I did not know that! I just looked him up on IMDB, thanks for pointing that out!

Love this part, especially Bruce Willis' reaction after he takes the gun "That's a very nice hat"

That, and the beads. Ah, good times.

Oh, that explains it! I was wondering who James S.A. Corey was referring to when he kept on saying 'we' in the description. I thought I was missing something, and it turns out, I was.

Thank you for confirming my suspicions. Not being an architect, I had nothing to back up my reaction, which was 'wow, those look impractical'.

I immediately thought of this one. Great episode, one of my favorites!

Unless your mom is from another country where they stare all the time and staring is not considered rude (at least when she grew up). I have to constantly remind her to stop staring at me. Freaks me out.

Absolutely. I actually think that comparing religion and science is like comparing apples and oranges. Science is based on facts and evidence; religion is based on faith. They cannot be reliably and credibly compared.

I got 8 out of 12 and I missed Scrooged as well… Are you me?

Being a Christian does not necessarily make you anti science….

I loved this show. There was one other person I knew who was watching it and we were devastated when it ended. I loved the tone, the dialogue, the tragedy and the concept of a real monarchy in modern times. I've re-watched it a couple of times now and each time I'm very sad that it didn't last longer.

Does alcohol even enter into the equation? I understood the article to mean that the agent only reacts with the GHB. So no GHB, no change, despite the type of alcohol. And wouldn't it also work if someone spiked your Sprite?

I think the key is that the test would change the color to orange. So even if you didn't know what color the drink is supposed to be, you pop in the test chemical, and it changes to orange. I don't know what would happen if the drink is orange to begin with.

You've got some great points. I wonder if there's been any studies or analyses done to indicate when drugging with GHB has occurred. Was it the first drink, or did they wait, like in the scenario you suggested? Which is more prevalent, is there a discernible pattern, or is the drugging done at all different times?

The first statement is saying 'testing = not interested'. The reverse (or inverse, I forget which), you get 'interested = testing not needed'. I took it to the extreme in my statement. I was really trying to say that someone being interested has nothing to do with whether they should test their drink.

So, by that logic, if someone was interested, then it's okay to roofie them?

Your quote made me smile!

Sounds like I gave up too soon because I quit halfway through Season 1. Maybe I'll give it a second chance. But the second he says "you have failed this city!", I'm out. *joking* No, I'll do my best to overlook that line.