
It's a great big world, my friend.

So funny. Dogs try to so hard to please. Any other animal would just chew those darn things off. Oh, and just to let you know, my pup is a Schipperke, not a Pomeranian. They look very similar, though!

Sounds sweet! By the time you get to it, there may be many more advances in home theater that will make it much closer to the experience you get at the cinema (and who knows, maybe 3D tech will improve to the point where you don't have to wear those gosh-awful glasses).

Yes, absolutely, the attention to detail is very impressive. I can't even imagine the hours upon hours that each person who worked on this put into its creation. Amazing.

I didn't notice either. In fact, I could've sworn they filmed this thing in actual space, that's how real it looked in IMAX 3D. I want to watch it again, but am afraid that on my measly flat screen, it will look too fake. Anyone see this on their TVs yet (after having seen it in the theater)? How much is lost going to

You're the second person to mention Yaktrax to me. I'd never heard of them before this. I wish I had them today. It's raining and turning all the snow to ice.

Not sure whether to say yikes or laugh. Perhaps both. My story is very mundane and reveals the depths to which my dog rules my life. I was trying a clear a path for him to get to his favorite tree to do his business. I thought I had good footing, but no, my foot slipped, ankle rolled and I fell down. That was two days

Include a picture of someone falling and spraining their ankle in addition to the shoveling and you've got me this week.

Thank you!

My question was serious. I thought at first they were skunks, but I thought skunks had narrower stripes. Also, my understanding is that skunks prefer night time.

That does NOT look comfortable.

Well done. I'm a sucker for corny humor.

I definitely think the show should have made more of an effort to make the aliens other-worldly. Right now they are just pretty humans with grey-black markings. However, I question whether the show is truly trying to make a statement about the difficulties of ethnic minorities. I think it's more likely they are

Ok, what are those little guys? (not the zebras) Some sort of African weasel?

I love the 'Obscene Gesture Imminent' warning on the screen.

Are you saying that only ethnic minorities should play aliens?

I forgot about that show until I read this article. But now that it's back on my radar, I wouldn't mind seeing where the story goes.

I always thought that 'man' was short for 'mankind'. So I never thought that 'a' was missing. Hmmm.

I immediately thought of that scene on the bus in Mash. I was so afraid for Judith.