Donnie Gwinn

Great news. Fanboost never made sense to me. Now the next thing I’d like to see is a simple way to watch the races in the US. Honestly, I’m not sure what’s required. I started looking into it and the best deal I found was Hulu+Live TV, which costs almost five times the price of my current Hulu sub.
I pay for F1TV and

The part that’s freaking me out has nothing to do with comparing the cars. I just can’t stop thinking about being on a motorcycle on that track with that madman overtaking me with like a meter of clearance while furiously whipping the wheel back and forth to try to stay on the track!

This is the obituary I needed to read. This is the piece that shows me why people are so devastated today. Thank you.

It is not difficult to get people to give fake testimonials, either because they’re part of the scam or (much more commonly) because they’ve convinced themselves that Doc Ock’s Marvelous Snake Oil Shakes really did cure their syphilis (and also that they used to have syphilis.)

Fake testimonials are Quack Medicine 101.

It’s weird how the Sebi promoters have been able to dominate so much of the conversation about Nipsey Hussle’s murder. Maybe it shouldn’t be that surprising, and I admit I’m kind of looking in at a community from the outside as a white guy who’s a lot more familiar with Sebi than with Hussle.
But to people familiar

Probably been said, but the ban on female pilots in combat isn’t a plot hole. Danvers wasn’t talking about 1995, when she’s running around with Fury; that career ended in a crash in 1989 and presumably she enlisted in the eighties, right?

It means the judge thinks it wouldn’t qualify as a hate crime except for the racial epithets and the man’s conduct, which . . . . I mean . . . . that’s the only thing that would ever distinguish a hate crime, right? Some element that makes it clear that the crime was committed because of or influenced by the victim’s

I saw a guy say, “Oh, so now Americans have to be careful what they wear in public?”

I’m not accepting her version of events, but I think it’s important to note that her version of events is a confession. According to her, she committed a crime more serious than anything she accuses him of doing.

Real Manhood is about knowing which words you’re not allowed to use because you’re too scared somebody might make fun of you.