
And now I have Palahniuk's "Guts" running through my head again. Thanks for that.

Well, at least he won't be getting the high hat anymore.

Oh what the hell do I know. I went to Earlham, which is the Oberlin of Indiana.

I'm pretty sure it's Duke.

Lyrical content aside, Mustaine's vocals have always been Megadeth's biggest weakness.

The movie is "Melvin Goes to Dinner" and it's spectacular.

I'm sure they would be raking it in, since all servicemen are also millionaires.

Why does everyone hate the 2007 Xbox 360 version of Shadowrun? If they had put any other name on it (and not charged $60 for five maps and no single-player), it would have been a runaway success. Sure, there were some missteps in how it was marketed, but I think it's one of the best team-based shooters since