
There already is an SAE standard: CCS. Even Tesla is using CCS in Europe. Tesla needs to do the same in the US as they and Nissan are the only two companies clinging onto dying standards.

I have a Volt, I too wish it had a power outlet. It’s got a 55kw generator onboard for Pete’s sake. The only feasible option now is a 1500w continuous inverter attached to the 12v battery in the trunk.

US versions have to be practically dead before you can use the REX, which is poor in high speed driving or hilly terrain. You’ll end up in turtle mode going slower than semis climbing hills. The EU versions have a hold mode similar to the Volt, which you can engage somewhere around 80% battery remaining. This helps to

Since when are ECU/PCM failures widespread on a specific model?

Its almost like the system should monitor driver alertness like Cadillac's supercruise does!

I wouldn’t assume any of that. Electric coolant pump failures are pretty common on the Volt (I own one). So are radiator replacements, especially because they seem prone to small punctures. Brake pads will have a greatly extended life, but overall will still need service.

You've clearly never owned something like an old GM then. Those fuckers will run like shit longer than anything else will run at all. Hell, in my area Cavaliers are like cockroaches. They should all be dead but they keep popping up. 

What exactly do you mean when you say no brakes, radiator, or water pump? The Bolt most definitely has all three.

It can both run and have serious issues. We're not talking about a device as simple as a light switch where it either works or it doesn't. Not that black and white.

“MOSTidling time at stop lights is WELL BELOW the “few minutes” threshold at which point the start-up fuel usage and idle-fuel usage lines cross, and that assumes it’s a “warm” engine. If you’re doing the “stop/start” manually, there’s no guarantee the engine is warm.” Temp gauges exist.

Why wouldn't a PHEV get a 1 speed transmission? It's already been done.

I think you mean “enhance”.

Yes, only with the 1.4L and a manual. 

At least a cunt has warmth and depth. Laura ingraham has neither

Shudders in Audi 4.2L

I would imagine burying the inspection report from the Ferrari dealer may be part of the reason for the huge punitive damages award. They must have done something pretty heinous for the jury to award that...

You should never lift by the oil pan... It’s not a weight bearing structural component. Also I think you’re confusing the one you worked on with something else because there’s no engine mounts on the belt side (I own one)

Model S seats up to 7, you must have quite some strength to carry 6 people on your back.

Double up every seat in a model S and you're carrying 14 people! I'd pay to see Albert carry 13 people on his back.