Not true. Terminated vs not rehired at the end of a contract term are very different things.
Not true. Terminated vs not rehired at the end of a contract term are very different things.
Need to watch that movie again. Wife hasn’t seen it!
Rural Ohio is. Ugh.
You’re right, it’s the same end result, my point was just that HD made themselves an easy/large target by being the only OEM to sell to both sides of the market at the same time.
That’s possible. Will be interesting to see if they do since there is a legal use for their products. But I’m sure the percentage of the tuners being used illegally is fairly high.
You and dozens of others. Dozens!
Have you seen the new Prius? That’s one of the most gouge your eyes out cars ever made! It makes an Aztek look downright loveable.
Gotcha. Wasn’t trying to imply the factory might be putting tunes on them, but in light of this action against HD from the EPA, manufacturing and selling both street legal products and other products that make them not street legal appears to be quite risky.
It’s because HD does not own or control the actions of their dealerships, but they do control what products they (as the OEM) manufacture and offer for sale to the dealers. The EPA would have nothing to go after HD with if the tuners being sold were all purchased by the dealers and HD themselves had nothing to do with…
The EPA can likely go after dealers selling 3rd party offroad tuners. Is it likely they will? Based on their enforcement history, no.
Because they put the HD name on it and as the OEM, made it available for sale to their dealers. If the dealers had individually buying and selling 3rd party tuners, we would only be hearing about the 12,000 nonconforming bikes from 06-08.
If Ford racing is manufacturing and selling tuners for street cars, they should be seriously reevaluating that in light of this settlement. The OEM and the tuner need to have complete separation in order to be safe (as it stands today).
Not when the OEM is manufacturing and selling the tuner to the dealers. If the dealers on their own went out and bought 3rd party tuners and offered them for sale, the EPA would have to go after each dealer
Yes but those devices are not manufactured and sold by the OEM. You don’t see GM, Subaru, Kawasaki, etc slapping their name on a tuner and offering it for sale along side their emissions legal vehicles. The tuners you’re referring to are made by a 3rd party. HD screwed up by trying to simultaneously sell to both…
They won’t be fined for what they are doing today. HD got bitch slapped because they tried to play both sides at once (and profit) with a company branded defeat device. If HD didn’t offer the tuner as a HD branded product, we’d only be hearing about the 12,000 bikes with a certificate of conformity issue.
Two different pieces here. There’s the 12,000 2006-2008 model year bikes they sold that were not on a certificate of conformity. There’s a separate issue with 340,000 “off-road” tuners they sold between 2008 and today.
They conveniently left out whether or not people could afford a new/electric car in the first place. It’s not going to be lower cost per mile than my beater once you factor in depreciation of a brand new car.
I know my local laws, my deed, and my condo charter. I read about the case here. It’s unincorporated non-deed. There’s no codes being broken by the trailer owner. 67 people signing a petition does not automatically authorize new codes. That’s simply not how it works.
Did you own or buy property during or shortly after the 2008 crash? My guess would be no. I bought smart and got the tax value cut in half. When they wanted to raise it 3 years later, got that cut by 25%. Just have to know how to navigate the complicated process that is the local auditor’s office. This is in one of…
Article is still on the front page as of this morning, and apparently you felt compelled to reply to my comment. I’m able to voice my opinion just like you did. Don’t like my opinion? Don’t look at it or bother responding.