
UAW is shocked, SHOCKED! that someone would come into a workplace and strong arm employees into joining a union... I mean not joining a union.

thanks non-Tesla companies, you’re at least making it sound like you’re catching up to the leader in the EV industry.

so, nothing but problems? flies in the face of everything the customers say, maybe the industry doesn’t want the competition and theres a smear campaign... nah, probably not.

I added a NP, sorry!

no, it will be an elevated electrically powered “train”... hahaha. I actually like the train ride downtown because it’s cheap and faster than rush hour traffic in a cab, I hope they don’t make ticket prices astronomical to shave off 10 minutes...

my spill was actually good, a gallon of margaritas. neighbor spilled laundry detergent in her trunk and went away on vacation, when she returned her entire car was covered in white fuzzy mold and she had to junk it!

I’m on team ossify too... also, who cares what this woman thinks or feels? She shows no emotion or feelings about this country, her current husband or even her child. does she even know the names of those things in English???

did you check his pockets and not find any hot sauce? hahha... as a person of little to no color, I don’t see how POCs would not rally for him based on his actual record of actual actions. should he be better at empty pandering?

the only problem with the solutions is that he can’t get enough uncorrupted “public officials” on board to carry them through. he voted on the right side of most of our major blunders that were huge successes for the wealthy owners of our democracy.

he was not as good at lying, cheating, stealing, bribing and colluding as his competition. he only proposed carrying out a realistic plan for fixing the massive structural problems in our “democracy” which was so un-kardashian that it failed to attract enough likes... that is the state of our country now.


“engage HOONAGE MODE in 3...2...1....”

200kw battery pack relieves the heat issues since the draw per battery is lower, I doubt you could even use the max amperage all at once without vaporizing tires and half shafts! Also they use inconel for the electrodes which can withstand space rocketry! look that stuff up if you don’t know! thanks SpaceX...

if you consider the efficiencies of combustion/friction vs electric motors and batteries, that may shed some light on how this works.

not sure if you are just havin’ fun or if you missed the entire point of the nuke-shield... it has to do with up-time. supposedly they break often and regulations are very strict for trucks so they have to stop and wait for a repair! that’s crazy, but probably a good thing. Anyway, if I melt in one of Twhimp’s twitter

it’s 2017, you say it like this: “This is, and so many people have said this, the... TRAGICALLY, and I’m going to say it’s the best tragedy... it’s a words he saided goodly.”

looking for volunteers to help build, you in??? hahaha

it actually did but I’m gunna say it might not be a full production model...

now it’s worse tho, like “how am I gonna hold in the pee for that long???”

in tight formation, I’m estimating from my non-existent calculations, 1 charge will do it but you’d need to charge it all the way to full.