weird characterization about how Musk is criticizing the obviously slanted and negative attack articles by some journos, isn’t it obvious?
weird characterization about how Musk is criticizing the obviously slanted and negative attack articles by some journos, isn’t it obvious?
oh great, so you would turn up the EV noise to 11?
could this be the real reason for Elon’s rockets, mineral rich asteroid harvesting!
maybe the US gov will subsidize mineral exploration for more than fossil fuels or maybe instead of them!
that burn was a sick as the one fossil fuel industries are doing to the planet right now!
when are cyclists going to realize, our fart gasses make rollin’ coal brodozers seem like a prius in comparison!
don’t worry, they only supplied the bolts that hold the engines and wings on.
word to yo mother!
well, so is ours...
that said, find a city in the USA that clean...
yeah, kinda sad when we are complaining and whining about no traffic jams...
hey, go back to our government propaganda machine and stop looking at this!
welp, the hotdog war is over pretty much before it started...
CR doesn’t beta test on the general public, how dare you???
well guess who generated controversy and attention? Both did, it’s like one of those twitter battles- free publicity, smart!
If you wear a kevlar airbag suit then you might be able to survive stepping off your longboard once you are under 3mph... maybe, just maybe.
oh so you don’t think OEM throttle programming with less than 100% throttle available right from the start is not a problem that needs to be fixed???
2 cycle engines have a nasty powerband, so theres that!
“barely mash the gas” HAHAHA, is that like partially full throttle?
the shoes fall from the telephone wires overhead when the shoelaces break, duh!