they obviously meant the “all up in the hizzi” definition.
they obviously meant the “all up in the hizzi” definition.
blocking Mrs. Cakeinbetter... obvious troll
well we now know what you dream about all the time
Elon may absorb some cheeto-essence but hopefully it’s a symbiotic relationship and Twimp absorbs some 1st principals thinking skills or at the very least gets mistakenly launched to mars on a 1 way trip. we can dream...
don’t pretend Musk is hanging out, grabbin pussies with Dingle Dump.
yeah, totes! your efforts to advance humanity have worked 100%, never any failures! thank you Mr Commander Spuger for all you’ve done!
I think it’s stupid (or just manipulative) to criticize Musk for engaging with the new admin... sorry! Don’t pretend that he is advancing the idiocracy’s agenda when he is obviously trying to help shape it in a positive direction.
I don’t know, the 1st one works too... “association”
yeah, comic sans next time OK?
since when has the government not worked their asses off to make cars use more oil? Massive secret SUV subsidies along with the gas/oil subsidies...
slashing burdensome regulations and trying to dictate where and who builds what where... makes sense. I’d say the only thing besides greenhouse gas emissions that is “totally out of control” is Dingle Trump and his kleptocracy.
I found one of those lil fuckers frozen solid on top of a frozen lake a few years ago! It looked like it was trotting along and just froze solid and tipped over... why do they even go outside if they know they will die???
is the zombie apocalypse coming?
wrong, there was no spy hunter music at all coming from the jeep. get yo facts straight!
A- what about autobahn travel? it goes 5mph over infinity?
the Fed can be permissive/regressive AF but car companies still have to sell in California and many other states that are governed by sane people. CARB will save us!
burning eyes (and not from embers)
people should have to freedom to pollute as much as they want but the tailpipe must be routed into the passenger compartment so they can feel the effects of their “freedumb”! agreed?
who keeps cars that long anymore? (besides me...)
I just got back from vacation in Europe, not even Asia, and I was choking on pollution! Why t.f. would we want that here in the US? I wish conservatives used more than P+L statements to form policy.