
Ok, ok. We get it. You’re still into a thing that should’ve been over by the late 90's, you feel the FBI is out to get you & your leaders, and you’re probably sticky to the touch. But why did you have to schedule your rally the same weekend as the Juggalos?

Just got done seeing it and I honest to god feel like Aranofsky was legit trying to alienate people with this. It’s like 90 minutes of an off-putting Brechtian chamber drama followed by some of the craziest shit you’ll see in a mainstream film. Who the hell was this weird ass movie for?


I give it 5 stars out of 5.

Let’s be clear here: this isn’t a toy. It’s a horrifying golem.

Criminally overlooked:’s a damn crime it wasn’t nominated for something!

And it wouldn’t be a Xanderpuss comment unless he was complaining about someone pointing out inequality.

That upset you? How does that sentence not put a smile on your face? You do realize a rapping clown said it right? Can’t you see the work? The Secret is the perfect book for a rapping clown to live by. Thank God for ICP. They make life worth living. Only a truly brilliant demented mind could think about being a

Great news. This is fun little show with a surprisingly strong narrative through-line, and two seasons seems like the right amount of time for the big blowout.

I know this is going to be controversial, but I don’t think that Jared Leto was a good Joker. Further, I think he was a bad Joker.

I hear Llamas helped catch this guy who was stealing bread...

As much as actors love “speaking out” and “taking a stand” on various uncontroversial-in-Hollywood issues, it’s actually generally rare to see someone do so in a way that might tangibly affect their career. While I’m sure this dude lives a more comfortable life than most of us, he’s hardly a star, and he just turned

Weed. It doesn’t kill you idiot. Learn your shit bro.

Gettin’ real tired of old white men telling me that a female character has to be “troubled” to be strong...

taking a beloved property and giving it a splashy makeover that renders it nigh-unrecognizable, all in the patently desperate hope to appeal to a new audience and extend its lifespan.

Nice tongue-in-cheek headline there, folks.

You’re Goddamn right my first comment post-Kinjacolypse will be saying I’m excited about the new Taylor Swift album.