If it comforts you at all, Neil Gaiman himself had the same problems with watching the trailer, so hopefully his solution will work for you too: https://twitter.com/neilhim…
If it comforts you at all, Neil Gaiman himself had the same problems with watching the trailer, so hopefully his solution will work for you too: https://twitter.com/neilhim…
I'm a completionist (I binged Arrow so I could get into the Flash), so I guess I'm half-heartedly going to watch this, but I wish it could have at least been interesting. I'm still pumped for Jessica Henwick as Coleen Wing. And the release date helps things, cuz even bland superhero shows are better than the thought…
I think, as someone mentioned above, he probably wasn't Marcos. Probably one of his higher lieutenants. If Marcos was in that room when Naomi was, that'd be a little too heavy early on, or something to big to just ignore at this part in the story.
God, I'm so excited to see the real meat of Bobbie, who is a favorite book character of mine (and of many), and Frankie did wonderfully in this episode, trying to parse out the reality of something so terrible and unreal with the PTSD she has from it. I'm so excited for her to go to earth! And, spoiler: Excited for…
It's Bobbie time, and I am PUMPED. I enjoyed this episode a lot; after last week, it couldn't be as intense, but I felt it regrouped well while adding great character stuff.
I think a problem they had using Shohreh up until this point is that Chrisjen doesn't appear at all in the first book, but they brought her forward to have an earth perspective (where in the 1st book the only POVs are Holden & Miller). But now that we're onto book 2 material, when she emerges as a POV character,…
I think the Epstein story integration works not just as a comparative about the dangers of technology, but also as a way to better integrate the Martian story line, as Epstein kind of represents the best and worst of Martians at once: technologically driven and hopeful for them to emerge as their own powerhouse from…
As a big old nerd and fan of many things people make these remarks about, I am usually really frustrated and annoyed by these sorts of comments. But in this case, I cannot give a shit about GoT, and it's Ian McShane! Go off, I say. "It's just tits and dragons" is still my favorite thing anyone has ever said about GoT.
I didn't notice this myself, because I'm super unobservant, but someone on Twitter pointed out the letters lighted on the title neon sign spell out a message.
I can't remember where I was when I finished book 2 but I know I threw the book down and shouted a little in shock and excitement.That would be an intense way to get just show-watchers. I'm excited for them.
I should be getting ready for work, but I just have to comment on how utterly beautiful that was, all around. The story, the acting, and the VFX of the protomolecule were wonderfully done, and elevated what was a beautiful book moment into almost perfect television. I knew it was coming but it still wrecked me, which…
Yeah, I've seen the headlines on other places and rolled my eyes, thinking it was something like your first impression. But in this case it seems more like she…doesn't know there's types of profiling other than racial, and misspoke? Plus her points on other women not being comfortable like she is with taking the…
Listen, as a lady (and lady-loving) fan of the John Wicks, I could be entirely behind this, if it was made with the same care, attention to fight choreography, interest in building an interesting mythology, and metric tons of ass-kicking by a really cool lead. But this does not sound like that at all.
He's always been killing it, but as it gets more and more to the end of Book 1 stuff, he's just been extra incredible.
I'm in grad school for archives, and took a class on Rare Books & Special Collections last semester with a witty and knowledgeable old man with some stories about the antiquarian book trade and notable thefts. He got us tickets to the Boston Antiquarian Book Fair which is a great place to be in the same conference…
Agent Orange is a good one; gets that terrible moment of American history allusion in there. One day I awoke from a dream thinking of him as the Orange Disorder, although that plays off Irish history instead.
I found this episode gorgeous, and great, and not just because it let my fav, Gutierrez, shine. I dunno if I should cop to identifying with the Young Pope, but his strangely informal way of talking to God, as shown in the last two episodes surrounding his 'miracles' (it's time for us to talk about x…) inspires a kind…
I think she's a composite character of Drummer, who she is in the show (security for Fred) and Sam. I love Sam, but I'm pleased with Drummer, and I think it makes sense that they'd smush up characters for time, especially since engineering work can't really be shown as much on the show for time purposes as it can be…
I'm so excited. I've been so excited for weeks now; I mean, since I saw the first, and knew a second was coming, I was pumped, but the closer it got the more all-out jazzed I felt. I just need this movie, and all the redonk violence and mythology it will bring me, at this time in this damn world.
On my 21st birthday, one of the bars we hit up was a dive doing a can of PBR & shot of Jim Beam for $3.50. I had two of those specials, and became a Jim Beam gal. My go to in bars is now a Jim Beam & ginger, unless I'm feeling skint, then well will do. I've tried some fancier bourbons and so-called small-batches and I…