
Oh boo fucking hoo snowflake. You don’t get paid to shout incoherently about Black Lives Matter or anything else that pops into your empty head anymore? Oh wait, you’re still being paid? It’s just the shouting you miss? Guess what bitch, no one else misses you, and frankly, I’m pissed that ABC news even gave you an

For someone who went to private schools and an excellent university, I find her pretending to not understand the meaning (either implied or explicit) of complicity to be utter and complete bullshit. She been taking lessons from Spokescobra Kelly Anne in disingenuous crap. She says all the right buzzwords, but is so

If our entire country is turning into Gotham City, then Trump needs to start wearing Joker makeup, Bannon needs to start wearing a tuxedo and top hat, Spicy needs to start wearing green spandex with question marks all over it, and Miller needs to get fitted for that face mask.

Exactly! I can never watch any of these shows (CNN and MSNBC included.) there’s no “news” just people shouting over each other. Every time someone even comes close to making a point, they get interrupted. They ask all the wrong questions and switch topics every 2 seconds. It’s appalling.

Girl, get a Blue Apron subscription and be done with it. (no, I don’t work for BA, I just love it)

“Dear Leader, who is a perfect incarnation of the appearance that a leader should have” 😅😆😄

I’m so stealing that picture and making it my wallpaper. 10000 stars!

Home chemical peel gone wrong? That might explain why his face looks like that. Even considering rampant alcoholism, his face is awful.

Didnt you guys get the memo? It’s not terrorism if it’s committed by a White Trump Supporter! It’s national security.

Better enjoy those gardens and beauty of nature now, because once Trump’s EPA (or alt-EPA) gets done with our water and air, there won’t be anything but slime mold and fragmites.

Just because you dress up a Hitler policy (Victims of Immigrant Crimes) in a suit and don’t say it screaming in German, doesn’t mean it’s still not a Hitler policy.

This is the kind of bullshit legislation that I am embarrassed that women put up in the first place. We have far too many bills like this that allow men like Trump to pat themselves on the back for “helping women” with nebulous language and no real policy or directives behind them. It’s such a crock of pseudo-feminist

Is it surprising that the biggest gun nuts in government are the biggest pussies? They want guns for “Americans” but freak the fuck out about black and Latino people having them, they want guns for mentally ill people, but can’t come to a town hall. Are they saying “liberals” are mentally ill?

Now playing

Did you listen to that Howard Stern clip where he talks about how he tried to dissuade Trump from running for president because it wouldn’t be good for his mental health?

I love Justin Trudeau so freakin much. I vote Canada becomes a sovereign nation, takes us over and fixes us up with universal health care, campaign finance reform, common decency and maple syrup.

Was it Michigan where a woman forced to give birth in a jail cell had her baby die? It’s wherever that fuckwad Sheriff Clarke is in charge, so if it’s not Michigan, I apologize... My liberal NY lack of knowledge of flyover states is showing. But guess what boys? Wherever you are - WHEN A PREGNANT WOMAN TELLS YOU SHE’S

You win. 😂

Im so grateful John Oliver is coming back this week. Also, while I miss Jon Stewart (here’s where I shamelessly toot my own horn for loving him since “You Wrote it You Watch It” on MTV) there are a lot of very good comics making very good political commentary these days. Seth Meyers “A Closer Look” segments are gems,

This bring me nothing but joy, because Chaffetz is a slug,and the slimiest of slugs at that. He will slime his way one direction when he thinks it’s to his benefit and slime the other way when it’s not. He is everything that’s wrong with the Republican party. He needs to be thrown out of office ASAP. He wasted tons

The hubris of these people cannot be underestimated,as well as the critical lack of common sense among many many people these days. I work with a lot of college students who all had great grades, but cannot figure out how to do the simplest thing - such as turning on a light switch. They are all terrified of making a