
What is this internalised misogyny of which you speak? Is it widespread?

Do not read this reply if you are unable to take someone being extremely abrasive and cold. I will not spare you a single detail or truth, and will likely as a result trample all over your sentiments.

Wasn’t it on Netflix recently? I watched a documentary about this topic recently on Netflix. I liked it and I felt like I learned a lot. I’m not African-American but I can recognize some of the same ideas in the Mexican community. My little niece is 4 and she’s already trying to say her skin color is “creamy” ha ha.

To be honest, I was having trouble grasping the issue on this one. I’d been thinking, you know, at least Zoe seems like a real fan of Nina’s.

Republican party to Trump: “please remove your gaping maw from our dog whistle. You’re getting spittle on it."