
Moving into a new city, I kind of “gave up” and downloaded tinder. Meeting people in bars, all the small talk, and all the drinks was just exhausting and expensive, and really not the right people to meet sometimes. So yes, I think tinder is the new way. I think we’re sad about it, but in the same way our grandparents

Flabbergasted. I’ve just understood this phenomenon after years, and didn’t know the name of it. I’ve always had a winter-boyfriend up in Canada, and now that I’ve moved to a country with the mildest winters, my biological clock is like “must find mate now or die in solitude”, and the locals just don’t get it. I

Very well written. I’m actually from Montreal and just recently moved to Paris, so I get the quirky accent thing. What you say is entirely true, even more so with the arrondissements that were attacked recently. It wasn’t the rich, white, middle-aged, Haussmann-Apartment-dwelling people that were attacked, but exactly

I was bummed when you stopped your Shade Court. Then this column came up and I realized it was part of the plan all along. You brought us to the shade at the end of the tunnel, and now dear Sensei, I enjoy it in LA’s thriving party scene. Can’t wait for you to get invited to more parties...

And this is why the gay/queer movement is still relevant. If sex is awful and no fun, just leave. If it’s great, make/get breakfast. There is NO reason why it should be more complicated.

Just a little correction... it’s “la petite mort”. Although I did laugh a lot with “le petit mort”, imagining a post-coital little dead guy jumping about.