
I’ll wait and see if the Switch can keep up the momentum. Sure it’s selling like gangbusters out of the gate, but that’s also because they have a Mario and a Zelda game already out on the system. They utterly failed to get anything Zelda related out for the Wii U other than an hd remaster of Wind Waker. Breath of the

But the problem is they don’t just punch Nazis, they punch pretty much anyone they don’t like, even people who may be there peacefully demonstrating. They also destroy property. Like I said, they’re hooligans and have no place in society.

Do you think they’re going to continue supporting that mode in the future? I want to buy the game but I’m hesitant because I fear they will soon abandon that mode in favor of Battle Royale.

Antifa are violent hooligans just like the neonazis. Both have no place in society.

It’s crazy because I almost bought a Vita last year, it definitely would have been an impulse buy but I really like how you can play the PS1 classics on it. I own a lot of PS1 classics on my PS3. It looks like a really sleek system, but those memory card prices..........I just wish it had more games that appealed to

Yeah, I’ve certainly learned my lesson. No more Nintendo systems for me until I can be sure they plan on supporting it well into the future. The Switch isn’t even on my radar until they get some games out for it that aren’t ports. As a Wii U owner I’ve played all that stuff already.

Oh yeah for sure, I don’t know what world they were living in when they thought a tablet controller with a screen on it would be a good idea. I had fun with it playing Wind Waker for example, but that’s mainly because I sort of had to. I had the damn thing may as well use it. It didn’t help that you weren’t even able

Except the Wii U, they didn’t know how to keep that alive. They swept it and anyone who bought one under the rug.

Man, it’s crazy how big this game has gotten. I remember thinking it was never going to come out, it was in development forever. As someone who enjoys PvE more than PvP i’m kind of disappointed knowing that Epic probably doesn’t give a shit about the original base defense game mode anymore. Remember? The part where

Zelda is also the same thing we’ve been playing since the 90s. Only now it’s open world.........

Is Blizzard still fighting them over Dota 2? I remember reading about lawsuits a while ago but haven’t heard much lately. I certainly can’t blame them considering Dota 2 is a straight rip of Dota 1 aka Warcraft 3. I thought they had given up.

Hmm, I get stutters too when spinning my camera sometimes. I always thought it was because I only had 8GB of RAM but maybe that patch would do me good. Where can I find it? I heard the game is a RAM hog.

Because everything these days is by default racist.

The combat just felt disconnected, it didn’t feel like my blows were landing, it’s hard to explain. I didn’t hate the game or anything, just really couldn’t get into the combat. I watched about half of the video in the article up top, this new one looks much better but I’ll still wait for the game to go on sale before

I bought the God of War collection for PS3 last year in December, was planning on playing through the whole trilogy, I didn’t even make it halfway through God of War 1, guess the series just isn’t for me.

By far my favorite one.

Jezebel hates men and The Root hates whites, as a white man I know which sites I’m not welcome on lol.

In this case, yeah it does.

I’d go see that for a dollar!!!

Oh I know, just part of the hobby I guess. Hopefully the next Xbox will have a more stable, less buggy dashboard. It would be nice if things just worked, no tinkering required.