
Hmm interesting. I guess a small part of my brain does get why you used hetero guys, I mean it certainly isn’t gay guys going around to these female streamers and reporting them for cleavage, but I still just had an issue with how you worded it.

The fact that he’s the leader means jack shit. It’s still a big development team and if you’re being petty and refusing to buy the game solely because of his views then that just makes you a manchild/womanchild.

Yeah, kinda. Dyed hair always struck me as more of a girl thing. When guys do it it’s just............

You and me both buddy

Well, you cared enough to comment so........

Ya, Xbox One has slower installs than the PS4, I’ve always been impressed by the PS4s speedy install time. What you gotta do is when you pop the game in and it starts up and says there’s an update say no to the update until the game has installed, then update it. If you say yes right away then the problem you just

You’re gonna hate me for this kind of was aimed at me, and guys like me. You said it, “guys, fellow hetero males we’re the problem”. Implying you, and someone like you, like me, are the problem. I definitely don’t demand impeccable wording when discussing something with someone, but what you said wasn’t

Ya, I’ve been coming to Kotaku for a very long time but I just never dismissed a comment before because as I said in my first comment, I don’t dismiss comments, even ones that disagree with me or attack me. So when my reply I left to the guy suddenly disappeared, which has happened before I never knew why to be

It isn’t like I’m the only one that will get bothered when someone makes a generalization. When you say “guys, and I speak to my fellow hetero males here, we’re the problem” you’re basically saying me, you, and other hetero dudes are the problem when we aren’t. What you should have said is “lonely, vengeful nerd in

Actually, funny thing about that, ya I admit I dismissed it only because I wasn’t sure how dismissing a comment worked, so I had to test it out on someones comment, I just chose that guys comment because in my humble opinion leaving a picture and saying nothing doesn’t add much to the conversation, but in any case he,

“He’s a grown man still living with roommate”

Well, I am going to point it out. I’m going to point it out every single time someone groups up all men under the same umbrella. I hate generalizations, not just about men but generalizations about any group of people. They’re a pet peeve of mine. Arnheim did just that.

Or more like there’s a mortgage that needs to be paid and food that needs to be put on the table so you go to work and earn your pay regardless of peoples views. If I left a company every time one of the higher ups had a view I found offensive or disagreed with my ass would be on the street. I’m not gonna let that

Oh absolutely, a remake with current generation visuals and stuff would be just what I need to revisit them. I actually already own Underworld on Steam, I got it dirt cheap on a sale several months back. Now the only obstacle is finding the time to play it among the other games I’m playing.

Boobs used to be celebrated, still are by the majority, but now there’s this segment of the population that resents them, strange times we live in :/

Well, the people branding them “prudish” and “sluts” are the same people that we’re talking about in the article so......yeah, the average person doesn’t think that. Also, as a fellow hetero male, some of us are the problem, not WE as in all of us. We aren’t all thirsty fuckboys who are slaves to our penis. But, other

They might remaster it some day, the first 3 games are getting remasters on Steam. As much as I love the first 3 games I don’t have any interest in going back to those awful controls. So an Underworld remaster would be sweet!

It really doesn’t fully feel like Tomb Raider without the dual pistols. Man I gotta get around to playing Anniversary, Legend, and Underworld one of these days.

Dota 2 is still insanely popular, therefor they’re going to find new ways to make money on it. I play my fair share of dota 2, I subbed to this.

I see. I never use Ebay or any service like that, I don’t trust buying from someone else unless absolutely have to. But if you do you can score this stuff cheaper that’s for sure.