Ultra Sun and Moon did 2 million their first week at retail, that’s the figure I got. Not too shabby for...I don’t know what to call those games..rehashes I guess.
Ultra Sun and Moon did 2 million their first week at retail, that’s the figure I got. Not too shabby for...I don’t know what to call those games..rehashes I guess.
If you got your Wii U for that cheap then you were lucky. I bought mine for $250 from Nintendo, apparently refurbished but it looked brand new. I think it was the Wii U systems they pulled off of store shelves last year.
I can see that but I don’t know if 3DS sales are starting to slow as much as 360/PS3 were. A lot of people are sticking by their 3DS because Nintendo hasn’t really made a successor to it yet, well, I guess they have in the Switch but not everyone wants a Switch, the 3Ds is still more portable than the Switch is and a…
so in other words they’re slacking just as much as Microsoft was? That’s my takeaway.
Kidding about what? The guy I replied to said it had only a couple exclusives within the first year, I then proceeded to list more than a “couple” exclusives that came out in the first year. Simple as that. Where and when did I defend Microsofts lack of exclusives for the entire gen? I was focusing on the first year.
Right hardware, the sales potential is infinitely higher on 3DS.
Maybe for you, I love my 3DS and still need it.
lol it’s hilarious the people saying “Are we not going to bitch at Microsoft for doing the same thing in the past?” um, we already did, everybody talked just as much shit on Microsoft back then as we are doing to Sony now. The difference is Sony is pulling this shit NOW, as opposed to years ago. We’re bitching about…
If you barely had anything to play that was your problem, that doesn’t mean that there wasn’t stuff there to play. Xbox One for example had a great launch lineup. Did it appeal to everybody? Nope, nothing ever will appeal to everybody, but it had a good launch lineup.
Forza 5, Dead Rising 3, Ryse: Son of Rome, Killer Instinct, Titanfall. Xbox had those within the first year of release, that’s certainly more than “a couple”. Nintendo is slacking with the Switch.
“buying a wii U cheap”
Nintendo has a massive ego, that’s why they charge $60 for their ports with slight improvements. I give them as little of my money as possible, I only give it to them when a Pokemon or Donkey Kong game comes out.
How’s the framerate on your 480? I have the 480 8GB version and I tried playing at max settings and when I wasn’t in combat it was around high 40s to 55 frames per second but for some reason when I was in combat it plummeted to like 25 fps. It seems to drop too when I switched weapons, which is weird. I dropped it to…
And they made a really good game to boot, I never finished Amalur because it was so big but I put a solid 40 hours or so into it and had a lot of fun with what I did play.
Weeeeee I’m ready :D
Mario Life 3 confirmed!!
Praise Geraldo del Rivero!!!
Kinda my reaction to this article.
Yes, Zelda swooped in to save open world games, with their collectathon open world just like every other open world game. Saved indeed.
The guro thread is that way sir.