You don’t get it man, people like us can’t just not do the sidequests, they’re sitting there in our quest journal, just waiting to be done, for completionists not doing them simply isn’t an option.
You don’t get it man, people like us can’t just not do the sidequests, they’re sitting there in our quest journal, just waiting to be done, for completionists not doing them simply isn’t an option.
You and I played Witcher 3 very differently because I got just as side tracked in that game as I did any other open world game with tons of side quests lol. Okay time to continue the main story, well shit let me get rid of this monster nest real quick, oh damn after looting that my bag is full better go back to town…
I know, but those are isolated cases, they don’t represent the average Trump voter. I could cherry pick instances of obvious Hillary voters assaulting Trump supporters but I won’t because I don’t generalize like that. I know the average Hillary voter is probably a decent person.
People are overreacting. I can’t help but chuckle at the people that think Trump being president is literally the end of the world. At worst he’s a shitty president for 4 years and then someone better comes along and undoes the damage hes done, at best he, uh, makes the country better I guess.....people are so…
See, I want to adopt this policy for myself, but my backlog is massive and I just know there’s no way I’m ever going to clear it :(
Patience young grasshopper, just get it in a month or two or three, the system will always be there.
How exactly was he “dismantling their privileged position”? Also, force out undesirables? More like force out illegal immigrants, who are, ya know, here illegally. He doesn’t want to force out all Latinos like a lot of you paranoid people believe.
Except no one is fleeing. All the idiots that said they were gonna move out of country if Trump won were just blowing smoke. No one is going to uproot their entire lives just because their favorite canidate didn’t win.
Yeah, it is pretty funny watching the non Kotaku sites go into meltdown. Hell if you even suggested a passive interest in Trump on those sites you were labeled an ignorant racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic. So much for the “tolerant” left. Certainly not very tolerant of others opinions. They mostly seem to be…
Minorities voting for Obama just because he was black is just as biased as whites voting for Trump. Minorities were guilty of that shit for the last 2 elections.
You’re right but I think Blizzard wants to keep all the Warcraft focus on WoW, I know Hearthstone is Warcraft themed but I don’t really count that considering it’s free to play so it isn’t gonna split the playerbase from any of their previous games.
So would I, but let’s be realistic, as long as WoW is still a cash cow Warcraft 4 will never see the light of day. It pisses me off, but it’s the unfortunate reality.
Platformers feel timeless to me. I dusted off the PS1 the other day and booted up the first Spyro game, and it was actually pretty damn fun. Plus the controls didn’t feel THAT dated. It’s the same way with Banjo.
I hope they go back to World War 2. We’ve all had a nice break from WWII games, we certainly needed it, but I think it’s time to load up the M1 Garands and MG-42's again.
Blizzard is still “pumping” out content for Diablo 3? Is this real life? Do you actually believe that?
Such an insightful and well thought out counterpoint. Blizzard drones usually don’t have reasoning skills so I’m not surprised. I see you’ve given up, I win!!!
I never said anything about trusting them, I just said that’s their job to figure out the price. 20 bucks is the max I would pay. Why would it be a stupid idea? Wanna know what’s a stupid idea? Remaking a game inside of a game, now that’s stupid. Oh, and adding a so called “graphic filter” to make it resemble the…
I’m glad they didn’t have an existing game to remake it with because that’s a lame, lazy way of doing a “remake”. They did it the proper way, the way everyone wants a remake done.
Unrealistic? Capcom did it with Resident Evil 1, Beamdog/Atari did it with Baldur’s Gate 1&2, if they can do it then Blizzard sure as hell can, simple as that.
See, that’s an unrealistic scenario though, they would never do that. If they did an actual remake of the game they would not use Diablo 3 assets, they would use Diablo 1 but just update it for modern times, native support for high resolutions and all that jazz.