
It’s the point behind it, same concept. Company says they’re bringing game or franchise back but they bring it back inside of another game or project. That isn’t a remake, that’s a homage.

Well, what else should I expect when I hear they’re remaking Diablo 1? I mean when Capcom said that they were remaking the first Resident Evil game, they meant it, They didn’t take the Resident Evil 5 engine and apply a graphic filter over it and called it Resident Evil 1, they actually remade the game, updated

Because when they say that they’re doing a remake then I want the remake, only I want an actual remake, not a remake inside one of their current games. This reminds me of Microsoft when they said they’re bringing Conker Project Spark. lol yes because that’s what Conker fans wanted....for you to bring him

Well, if you head to Tortimer Island in the evening there are some rare bugs and sea creatures you can catch and they net you a tidy profit back home at the REtail store. A lot more that fossils will sell for. Either fish and catch sharks and Blue Merlins, or use your bug net and catch the giant beetles that appear in

Do you still play the game? Do you still have that debt, I could help you pay it off lol.

Yup, what Roto13 said. Now time to spend half a day re arranging my whole house to put the furniture where I’ve always wanted it but was always too impatient to do using the old system.

Yeah they were way late adding this stuff. I actually sorta got back into the game a few weeks ago, so this update is just a boost. I love that they finally added the ability to move furniture around with the touchscreen, that change was long overdue.

That’s exactly what I want, I mean what else would a “remake” be. Baldur’s Gate did it, why can’t they? They of all people have the resources and expertise to do it and do it really well, sorry I’m not impressed with half ass attempts. They don’t even need to do it from the ground up they just need to add support for

I know, I read that part, it still isn’t the same. It’s doing a half ass job of a remake because they were too lazy to remake it from the ground up. So they just add filters to their current game to make it resemble Diablo 1? *facepalm*

At least we have the inevitable rule34 porn of her coming soon...

This is stupid. An actual remake of Diablo 1 would have been better, remaking it INSIDE of Diablo 3? lol that isn’t a remake, it’s going to have D3 graphics and D3 gameplay mechanics. This is something like a fan mod, where they remake a game inside of another game using the level editor or something.

That’s what they all say, but they all come back sooner or later.

Tumblr actually has decent porn, heard it from a friend.

Yeah I don’t get the whole swearing = unintelligent or boring person thing. Some people swear, some don’t, simple as that, you can’t make a judge of who they are just by knowing how much they do or don’t swear.

Wow, fuck that guy indeed. lol the villagers like to troll sometimes

I would probably still get a Wii U if they dropped the price low enough. No way in hell I’m paying 300 for it. But for a low enough price I’d buy it, just for some Mario Kart and Donkey Kong and all that stuff.

Did you post it on the bulletin board? Cause if it wasn’t posted there then I didn’t see it. My mailbox is full so Pete doesn’t know where to go with my mail. 

What if I want to play Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze or Wind Waker HD? Then I want to own a Wii U.

Yeah I really hate feeling obligated to log into the game every several days to make sure my favorite villagers don’t move out. I hope they remove that feature in the next game. R.I.P. Maple, Vesta, and Colton.

That doesn’t work, they move out at random.