
Yeah, Kaceytron is one of the very few who get it right. I admit, she use to trigger me too, everyone gets triggered by her your first time tuning in, but then you see through the act and realize it’s all just a big troll act, and then you have a laugh.

I’m willing to bet though that most of the people donating AREN’T financially secure enough to be spending money on something like this. Let’s be honest, a lot of people that donate do so to get noticed, to get their 5 seconds of fame, especially from a female, which is part of the reason why someone like her will be

“The people who tune into her because of how she dresses are the ones I feel sorry for.”

What about the part where she shakes her ass on camera? Seems pretty sexual to me.

Probably because it’s a pair if tits they havent seen before. Porn starts to feel the same after a while, so now they’ve discovered a new pair of titties and this time they have a face and are talking to the camera which maybe makes them feel a connection to her or something? I don’t know, that’s my take on it.

I recommend this deal to people without a gaming pc. Sure, a lot of the exclusives are pc also but thats only if your pc can run them. My computer can’t which is why I’m glad i have an Xbone. Someday I’ll have a good enough computer to run these game again but that won’t be anytime soon.

I recommend this deal to people without a gaming pc. Sure, a lot of the exclusives are pc also but thats only if

Just wanna pipe in and give another recommendation to Rare Replay. I’m still working my way through several of the games in the collection, they’re a ton of fun, they make me feel like a kid again. Especially the glorious Banjo Kazooie.

Just wanna pipe in and give another recommendation to Rare Replay. I’m still working my way through several of the

The Reddit hivemind has infested almost every corner of the internet. We’re not safe from them anywhere :(

You go bro!!! Stick it to them!! Fuck making smart business decisions we’re gonna make decisions based on political outrage!! Put out a statement saying how outraged we are so people notice us.

Most games made by these 2 person teams are utter shit. Just go look at the indie section on Steam or PSN, most of it is trash. Every now and then we get a winner like Minecraft but they’re the exception.

Well, Palmer has enough money now to fund those trolls for a lifetime, with or without the support of these indie devs. So them pulling support is kind of pointless. Oculus isn’t going to go under because devs whos games were destined to sell 20 copies have pulled their support of the service. Oculus will go under if

That silence means they’re smart business people and know that it’s stupid to not make games for a platform just because the owner supports Trump and Trump shitposters. They’re hell of a lot smarter than these crappy, unknown indie devs that have pulled support.

Shit, I wish I was on his payroll.

I’ll be honest, I don’t give a shit, about Palmer’s views OR the fact that computer parts are made in China. Again, I’m simply pointing out the hypocrisy in the faux outrage over this. But I’m also not trying to take the moral high ground on this thing because I know I wouldn’t have a leg to stand on. Also, you COULD

Clearly reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of people who claim they’re so offended by what Palmer’s doing. The people trying to take the moral high ground are full of it. 

LOL thank you. Anyone acting like they give a shit or trying to take the moral high ground here and condemn Palmer is full of shit. Let me sit behind my keyboard and condemn this man while I type this using a computer made off the backs of workers who make 3 dollars an hour and work 15 hour shifts.

The way I see it, Id rather have a president who is an asshole over one who is a criminal. Trump’s behavior may be “offensive” and “childish” but he isn’t evil like Hillary, just an asshole.

I’m still just gonna call it, I don’t care what Blizzard tries to change it to. To me it will always be

They made it a thing though. Cause now I can’t unsee healsluts either :/ damn them

I got hit with a $260 medical bill for a visit to the doctor on a Saturday, I did a nebulizer treatment a few times and they gave me a prescription for an inhaler. Do I have good or bad insurance? (serious question, I know jack shit about insurance, rarely need to use it).