Does this mean we get another Kingdoms of Amalur game? Because I would really like another one.
Does this mean we get another Kingdoms of Amalur game? Because I would really like another one.
Go on.....
Yeah, people always say that but I don’t give a fuck if it was a “dinosaur action shooter” it was a damn good one. Also, come on Dino Crisis 2 was still scary at times, the first one just seems scarier because it takes place at night and has more jump scares.
The sex card thing I agree, pandering, but sex scenes are pandering? I don’t think so, I’m glad that games are including sex scenes these days, sure they’re still a bit janky and stiff but practice makes perfect.
He might hate it. But then something like this comes along and it sends him overboard and he just can’t resist judging people. Honestly, every single person in that stampede deserves to be judged. Same with the interupt thing, someone who might say “I don’t want to interrupt you, but” yes it’s a contradicting…
500 GB is plenty? Sure, maybe if you buy one or two games per year. For the rest of us, it isn’t nearly enough space.
It isn’t just about something being big. It’s just internet rule #34, if it exists, there is porn of it. The end.
Kotaku is the wrong place to be saying that man LOL. When I saw your comment I knew it was only a matter of time...
Yeah. My brother and I owned plenty of cap guns and various other toy guns and every single one of them had the orange cap. They put that there for a reason though, to signify that it’s fake.
An attacker MIGHT do, the thing is, has that ever happened? Like, ever??? Even if you look at all the shootings in the US I still haven’t ever heard of someone painting the tip of their real gun orange and then ambushing people with it.
Ya, exactly. People get WAYY too carried away with hype. Stop buying into all the marketing bullshit, just take a game for what it is and you’ll be better off for it. Never believe E3 trailers, never believe doctored screenshots, never believe pre release developer interviews. Just wait for a game to come out, watch…
I love how everyone is talking crap on you. How gullible they are if they believe that Sony doesn’t actually do that. We’ve seen numerous stories of peoples PSN account getting locked with Sony unwilling to give it back to them. Bye bye digital games!!! I hope it happens to them, that’ll wake them up.
I wonder if Patricia has ever been to Minnesota or Wisconsin. If she has, she would know how brutally cold they get in the winter and why they’re actually the perfect places for an Articuno to spawn.
Maybe they aren’t mad at him but definitely triggered at a small thing. (Yes, a small thing). It really only took 1 or a few guys to point it out, but instead we get half the comments on this thread pointing it out. It’s ok bud, the guy above you already mentioned it.
I hope they apply the leveling in any zone thing to ALL the zones eventually. It would make leveling fun again. Imagine being able to level in, say, Stranglethorn Vale despite being like level 80. I mean I actually liked that each zone had a specific level range but I feel like we’re past those days, there’s just too…
Ya, you’re misconstructing it lol. Like I said to the other guy, I was simply stating that it’s mainly the big streamers that get swatted. Let’s say you make it big and become a big name on Twitch, then ya your chances increase but are still small, I mean look at all the big streamers there are on Twitch, and how many…
Blizzard kicked off their $25 mount craze with the infamous Celestial Steed.