Looks like Team Rocket’s blasting off againnnnn *ding*
Looks like Team Rocket’s blasting off againnnnn *ding*
“What would this conversation be then?”
No that isn’t all it guarantees, but keep listening to Gawker, I’m sure they know best.
Troll used swat, it failed.
I would say go for it, if you really wanna try and get into streaming then do it. Don’t worry about getting swatted, only big streamers get swatted because they have such a big live audience so the trolls target them because it’s more people witnessing their “prank”. These losers want attention, nothing more.
lol @ people who use the word “tryhard”
Too late they’re already here :D
Can’t blame that lady. Pokemon is infinitely more interesting than Beyonce and Rihanna.
I’m normally on the pro pruning team, having too many buttons makes the game hard for noobs like me who can’t manage too many abilities at once, but even I think they took the pruning too far this time. My Beast Mastery Hunter lost all traps, some pet utility, and other things such as Camoflauge. PvPing on him sucks…
“It won’t be around much longer”
Actually this generation it’s the other way around. Seems like anything Microsoft does is seen as evil and anti consumer but anything Sony does is seen as “FOR THE GAMER!!!” when Sony only cares about money, same as Microsoft.
No it isn’t. It implies you’re the one at fault. “That’s what I get for” meaning this thing happened because I was trying to do it while doing something else that should have had my full attention.
Twat off Tweedle tweet
Exactly. “Shit guys cat’s outta the bag now, quick send cease and desist letters to all these gambling sites”.
The best designs for me are the ones based off of animals, they make the most sense. I don’t like most of the ones based off of inanimate objects. There are a few exceptions though.
Isn’t it already easily accessible to kids?
A Hunter that uses intell is kinda dumb though.
Sir could you please describe the suspect to us, what does he look like. Well, he’s a guy, and, uh, yeah. Okay...what race is he? Is he skinny or heavyset? Well, he’s, he’s, Asian. *oversensitive twit overhears this* HOW FUCKIN DARE YOU REFER TO HIM AS ASIAN, WHY DOES HIS RACE MATTER HUH? YOU RAYCISS BRAH??!?
Actually plenty of people would say “asian guy”. Don’t worry, it isn’t meant in a *gasp* RACIST way, simply meant as a way to describe the person.
Censorship was actually just one part of his argument. You didn’t address his other points, probably because you know he’s right.