Was just voicing my thoughts towards the game, if you don’t like it feel free to scroll past my comment, which is what I recommend doing, you’re blood pressure appears high.
Was just voicing my thoughts towards the game, if you don’t like it feel free to scroll past my comment, which is what I recommend doing, you’re blood pressure appears high.
Ya they’re still goofy and cheesy with the way they speak but something seems off with the visuals, it just doesn’t appear to have as much charm as the Banjo games. Like the levels look okay but at the same time they look like something that someone made in like Project Spark or something lol. It’s hard to explain.
I loved Nuts and Bolts!! Dead serious lol, I like that they tried something different, is it was a lot of people wanted? Apparently not but I respect that they tried. The only reason I didn’t refer to it as Banjo 3 is because I always saw it as more of a spin off game than a true successor to Banjo Tooie. But believe…
Clicked the article for this, was not disappointed.
I might, I might not. Am I not allowed to still comment on it?
I know. I understand why they couldn’t use Banjo or Kazooie, it still sucks so cause deep down all I want is a Banjo 3.
That’s the crazy thing, I do have a very open mind, I just have such an attachment to the original duo, I din’t know if anything can top them. I’m sure I’ll still play the game and love it for its gameplay, but the characters.....
Hell yeah, the new Ghost Recon does look badass.
“It’s set in San Francisco”
Exciting news!!!! I’ve been hoping for this announcement for a long time. I loved all the Dead Rising games, the first was my favorite but at the end of the day they were all enjoyable.
I have been on adventures with them, many of them. I’ve been to a Snowy mountaintop, a dirty swere with a giant metal shark in the middle, a sandy beach with a half sunken ship and a giant turtle trying to kill you. I don’t want new characters :(
People are ALSO talking about it because it’s a Blizzard game and because it was heavily marketed.
I don’t know, sounded like just her manager was the twat, rather than them as a whole.
You can leave a computer on no problem. It doesn’t hurt the machine. I’ve left mine on for weeks at a time.
“Come on, the coverage is overblown here. There’s other recent releases worthy of attention (DOOM, Battleborn, Total War Warhammer),”
Us guys are a sensitive bunch, we gotta keep up our manly image and all that.
I’ve yet to play the game but I have a very strong feeling that will be my experience with it. Play for about a week and get bored. For some odd reason I’m just not feeling the motivation to try it out.
The thing is it’s ok to complain too. Complaining about something is another way of voiceing your displeasure. As long as you complain in a non toxic way then it’s ok. Like I said, devs will never know what people did and didn’t like about a game unless they’re told so by the players. Gamers CAN be whiny, we’ve all…