
Yes but how do they know? Becuase, we the players told them so.

People always bring this up lol, everybody knows businesses aren’t charities and that they only want to make money, it doesn’t mean we aren’t allowed to criticize them. The fact is a lot of people wanted some kind of solo play in Battlefront, there was none, hence criticism. If we don’t voice our displeasure how will

Fable 3 didn’t ignore that much of what fans wanted. It still felt like a Fable game overall, they just went too far into the future and stripped some of the RPG elements. Overall it was decent.

I just hope this easter egg is a sign that they are gonna bring Crash back. It’s cool nonetheless but I feel like if it doesn’t lead to anything then everyone will be hyped for Crash’s return only to be disappointed. I’m sick of all the Crash Bandicoot teases over the past year or so, either bring the series back or

Good to hear, the game was awesome. Now I patiently sit in my chair wait for them to make Bloodborne 2 someday.

Yes and no. The problem is you have places like Gamespot and IGN who regularly post spoilers in the headlines of their articles. I kind of agree with OP, for a big game release like Dark Souls 3, they should plan on a synchronized international release.

“It is all proceeding as I have forseen”

Ohhhh a fan theory ok. Makes sense now. I was gonna say, I have never heard of such a Pokemon lol.

YES!!! It disappoints me that nobody has the bravery to make it. It would be super fun. Lets say it’s in WWII, in charge of your own submarine, you choose which shipping lanes to attack, which areas to patrol, which battles to partake in, Battle of Midway and such, and you can upgrade your sub, better engines, deeper

Did I miss something? Which Pokemon was suppose to be the victims of 9/11?

Homeworld Remastered was glorious. It ran like a charm too, and my pc isn’t anything special. Props to Gearbox for making that.

Well I still want it remade for 2 reasons. 1. I want to be able to play it on my Xbox One. 2. I want new people to experience the game so they can see what the hype is all about for a game that’s usually referred to as the best Star Wars game ever. I mean yeah those people could just go grab it on Steam but with a

It’s been a long, long time since everything has been WWII though. That was late PS2 era, early 360 days.

Oh man, the combat is the FF 7 remake *shudder*. It looks like the FF 15 combat correct?

Does Kotor really need updating with modern mechanics though? I replayed the game last year and was amazed at how well it holds up. The movement and animations are a bit stiff, that’s the only thing that stood out to me.

Interesting article and I understand what they’re trying to accomplish with their system but I simply don’t agree with it. Some of those “cells” look nicer than some 1 bedroom apartments here in the US. I’m sorry but if you commit a crime, especially something really bad like kill someone, you shouldn’t get sent to a

And that right there is exactly why Activision ISN’T just releasing it as a standalone $20 release. They know people like us won’t give a shite about Infinite Warfare otherwise. As badly as I want it I’m not gonna do it, not paying 80 bucks to play a remaster. There’s other fish in the sea.

That’s actually how it’s suppose to be, yes. Read my other replies, I’ve already stated that it’s not a perfect system, but if you can prove that someone is a murderer and a repeat violent offender than those are the people I think should be thrown in solitary. Yes the current system abuses solitary, but that doesn’t