Super Mario Maker is just one of the good games on the system, I wouldn’t consider it the best necessarily. The Wii U lacks third party support but makes up for that with the best first party lineup of any system.
Super Mario Maker is just one of the good games on the system, I wouldn’t consider it the best necessarily. The Wii U lacks third party support but makes up for that with the best first party lineup of any system.
I did ask them, they said it’s awesome. They addmitted the sales were shit, but a cool system. Now how exactly are they shitcanning it again? I’m lost.
What’s wrong with Wii U exactly?
It’s the same sad story everytime. Game has violence and death, cool my kids can play this. OMG a character is posing in a suggestive manner?!?! DEAR LORD LOOK AWAY SUSIE!!!
You aren’t fooling me, I know you’re hitting up that Rule 34 on the daily!!
If the movie was a comedy then I could totally see that. In the main series, yeah it wouldn’t make sense but a parody movie like Spaceballs? Yeah, I could see that. The same applies to Overwatch, it isn’t a 100% serious game, they’re having some fun with it.
But they did make a strong and diverse cast. If someone decided to jerk it to one of the characters how does that make them any less strong or diverse?
Well, sure they aren’t naked obviously but they aren’t exactly “fully clothed” either. The point is behind my comment was, let’s just say they were jerking it to the pictures, so what?
The thing is, even if it is a masturbation joke, who cares. Show me a guy who hasn’t fapped to pictures of naked women at some point in their lives, it isn’t degrading, it’s called human nature. Women look at porn too. If a women pleasures herself to hunky looking dudes, is it degrading to men? I certainly don’t think…
Just out of cuiriosity, why do you never finish Zelda games? I too tried to finish OoT on 3DS and I never made it through, I get back into the game for a few days then stop playing it again, I have no idea why lol.
I’ll wait and see if this is real or not, I’m not gonna flip out over rumor and speculation. I will say this though, if it really doesn’t have buttons, insta no buy for me. But like I said, time will tell.
Honestly, in my opinion, I would tell them to go for it. The Wii U has a nice back catalog of games built up, they will always have something to play. Not to mention it has backwards compatibility with Wii games, the Wii had some amazing games, just cause theyre older doesn’t make them any less fun. If anything, it…
Floundering mess in what ways? Maybe at launch, sure, but these days? It’s only getting better.
Wait, serious question, why are people upset about Gone Home? I never really followed the game or played it so I dunno what’s going on.
I have Windows 7 and most of them work pretty good for me except Red Alert 2 (my 2nd favorite one!!!). The funny thing is it did work fine for a while but then one day I went to boot it up and it would freeze on the startup screen every single time :(
Of course it needs to be if the person playing is super competitive about FPS games, but in that case that person is probably already playing on PC, so the controller doesn’t need to cater to them.
Controller works fine for an FPS. Is it as good as a keyboard? No, but it doesn’t need to be. If you’ve been using M&K all your life then nothing is going to persuade you otherwise, which is fine. But I’m just stating a fact, controller works fine.
LOL, stupid people are more than happy to part with their money, hence why they’re stupid!!
Ok, yeah the main areas I want help with are boss areas, the normal enemies aren’t too bad once you learn their attack pattern. I’m in the Midwest, Central time zone. I’ll add you on PSN.
Sure, that sounds fun. The world of bloodborne is very dreary and depressing too, so it might be fun to have someone along for the ride. Is the co-op timed though? Or can I summon you and you’re in my world for good?