
I agree, and usually I’m never one to judge what people choose to spend their money on, but with season passes you’re giving the company $50 and not getting that $50 worth of content until on average a year later, whereas if you took that $50 and got a brand new game, then you’d have a whole new game to experience for

Yeah I’ve already done a lot of farming, currently level 45, which is actually probably overleveled for the area I’m in. Dunno why I stopped playing the game for a while, cause I really love the game.

I don’t have trouble with normal enemies, it’s the bosses that piss me off lol, it’s annoying learning their hit boxes and just how far their reach is and all that technical jargon. I prefer to just summon someone and faceroll it lol

I started Bloodborne last month, I’m still only at the first lamp in Forbidden Forest. I’m feeling pressured to beat it by Dark Souls 3.

This is what I always say. The general consensus seems to be people, both male and female, prefer to see scantily clad women over men. The female body is much more appealing to look at I think for most people.

Eh, I half agree. With games it’s different though, the thing with a game is you don’t know if that content will be worth your money. What if you buy a season pass expecting new story content but then they release a horde mode or something and you’re someone who doesn’t give a crap about horde modes? What then? I

Even buying a season pass after finding out that you enjoy the game is a dumb move. You’re paying for something and receiving the goods at a later date. They have your money but you haven’t receieved the goods yet. Most season pass content is spread out over the course of a year, I don’t know anyone that would want to

Anybody who use to watch G4TV back in the glory days of G4 should remember this guy from Arena, him and Kevin Pereira were the hosts, I loved watching Arena as well as pretty much every other G4 series back then. Childhood :(. R.I.P. Lee

Yeah I’ve lost a few of my favorite villagers due to not logging on the game for a few days R.I.P. Maple, Twiggy, and Freya :(

Go check it now!!! A villager may be ready to move out!! Don’t be like me and lose villagers because you forget to check your town everyday :(

Nailed it. What’s happened to Gabe is what has happened to so many other people that have become extremely successful, the money and success goes to their head and they develop an ego and become an asshole.

Pokemon knows no age limit!! Anybody of any age can enjoy the game.

No you don’t. We live in an attention whore society as it is, we don’t need to hear about every cool thing a parent does for their kid.

It isn’t a surprise, but it’s true that Valve has gotten lazy. They’re too lazy to develop new games anymore, they just sit on Steam and let that money roll in by itself. Which again, nothing wrong with that BUT why not use some of that Steam money to make Portal 3, L4D3, Half Life 3? It’s Valve, the game would sell.

I’m pretty sure NO ONE complains about GTA no longer being isometric lol. I know the hipsters you’re referring to who say that stuff but I don’t think anyone says that about GTA. Fallout on the other hand, definitely.

Yeah it sucks not many people play it these days. I think it’s mainly because it’s an RTS, not many people play RTS games anymore, sadly. RTS was always my favorite genre.

Worse than Hitler how? I’m genuinely curious :)

You spelled “Charmander” wrong

The microtransactions, while dumb, aren’t as bad as they were in Forza 5. You earn a fair amount of money in Forza 6, I was always happy with the race earnings. Also they’re better than average, Forza is still one of, if the THE best, most polished racing games out there. I do agree about how often they come out