
It wasn’t a rage response. That guy summed it up perfectly. Nothing more needs to be said after his post.

Cue the race card pullers in 3.. oh wait they’re already here

“the amount of money some people drop on micro transactions is ludicrous”

It isn’t speculation, it’s obvious at this point. It doesn’t need to come from Rockstar’s mouth to make it true.

What I don’t understand with them is how making single player DLC HURTS their GTA online profits. It isn’t like people are going to suddenly stop buying GTA dollars if they announce that they’re working on new story content. They only have more money to gain by making new story content, and yes it would make money

It wouldn’t be tacked on though. Sure it’s a complete game but why can’t we have more great stories written that are connected to the GTA 5 world? Just like the Lost and Damned and Ballad of Gay Tony for GTA 4, they offered different perspectives on the events that took place in 4.

I disagree. Demos are a good thing. They’re like movie trailers, something to watch or play to whet your appetite and try to get you to buy the full thing. No one goes to see a movie without first watching a trailer. Movie studios put those trailers out for a reason, sure they’re letting you watch a minute or two of

Your lack of Battlestations disturbs me

“they’re real people who are now suffering real consequences”

I’m with you. I like the Lego Star Wars games but if it’s between a new Lego Star Wars game and a new KOTOR game...well...... no comparison.

Seems like with most people and companies the more money they have/are making the greedier they are. You would think it’s the other way around.

Yeah these types of games are the funnest, and sadly we dont see them anymore these days. R.I.P. Crash Bandicoot, Jak and Daxter, Spyro.

Just added you. Add me back!! :)

Building, construction complete, new construction options, unit ready, unit ready, unit ready. Ah how I miss Command and Conquer :(

I think most people can look back and see the flaws in the game. No one is buying this expecting a polished, balanced Pokemon game. They’re buying it to relive their childhood, that’s why I’m buying it. Even if I don’t play it all the way through it will be nice to own the games again so if I ever have that classic

I love your first idea. While you’re at it can you buy the rights to make Lord of the Rings games and sell it to someone competant as well, that way we can finally get a new Battle for Middle Earth 3 :D oh and have someone make a new Star Wars: Empire at War game!!!

A million copies is low by todays standards.

I’ve still never played Rise of the Witch King because I can’t get it to run on my computer (Windows 7). I would loveeeee to play that. Why can’t EA just make a BFME 3? A man can dream :(