Do people really want to change their names that bad on Playstation? Or is it one of those phycological things where people suddenly want to do it only because they know they can’t? Why did you pick pick the name you picked if you don’t like it?
Do people really want to change their names that bad on Playstation? Or is it one of those phycological things where people suddenly want to do it only because they know they can’t? Why did you pick pick the name you picked if you don’t like it?
Why wouldn’t people be worried about connecting to PSN first? This isn’t the olden days of gaming, the vast majority of people like to be connected to the network, even if they’re playing a single player game. Without connecting, how are you suppose to chat and play with your friends? That game breaking bug that made…
You need to trade that money in for gold bricks, and then throw those at the screen. Worked for me!!! I have my real life Gwent sitting on my desk!!
Yup. EA didn’t use to be scared of making RTS games, they ported a bunch of the later Command and Conquer games to console and of course games like LOTR BFME 2, all of which I bought for 360. Makes me so sad cause Star Wars is the perfect setting for an RTS game.
I’ll definitely be getting this....IF my pc can run it, here’s hoping :(
Yeah like the other guy said I would recommend Empire at War Gold edition, amazing game, one of my favorite RTS of all time. My favorite of all time being BFME 2 of course :)
Oh god Empire at War *shudders* so damn good. If they made a new one I’d have a heart attack.
Nah, I don’t have a problem with those people. Hell if I could have found some idiot to pay me $100 dollars for a box of Twinkies then I would have done it.
Paying $100 for that Nuka Cola is awesome? I guess to a fool, yes. My comment was about people that pay exorbitant amounts of money for stuff like that just because it’s “sold out in stores”.
A fool and his money are soon parted.
All, mostly, some, blah blah I’m not here to argue semantics. I’ve made my point.
I would. I will always respect the developers vision for their game. If their vision for a game is mostly white people then so be it, it’s their game, it’s their creation, it’s their baby that they nuture for many years before releasing it to the public. Sure, they may make the game for people like me and you but that…
Which is exactly what my point was. People like him are never going to accept that. I love diversity too. Lara Croft? Awesome. Nathan Drake? YAWN. I would probably quit gaming if all I ever played as in games were gruff, mean looking white dudes. But that isn’t the only type of person I play as in games so it’s all…
The guy above already explained to you the lack of colored people in Witcher 3. You just don’t want to accept the truth.
Games released in the timeframe you mentioned are pretty much exempt from getting the award. I mean they never officially said that but it’s pretty obvious. I remember the year Far Cry 3 came out, that game was amazing and definitely should have at least got nominated for the award but it didn’t because it released…
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Don’t bother trying to reason with people like him. All he’s ever gonna scream at you is TOO MANY WHITE BOYS IN THE GAME WHERE’S MUH DIVERSITY
And those straight, white men made the game that they wanna make. Don’t like it, don’t play it, no developer needs to cater to you and your views on diversity. There weren’t that many white people in GTA: San Andreas, did that stop me from playing the game, Fuck no, I loved that game to death. CJ was badass. Stop…
You’re high on crack if you think it’s only Americans who are offended at every little thing these days.
Oh how very wrong you are :D